Magical New Beginnings 8Midlife Witchery #1) - Brenda Trim Page 0,3

black thumb. Besides, I have no idea what all this is, or what it is for.”

Aislinn chuckled and cut a couple sprigs of the plant she’d been holding. “If you’re Isidora’s kin, you’ll be able to keep things alive, but I am happy to help. This has become my therapy since my husband left me a year ago. Is your husband not staying with you?”

I shook my head side to side as a lump formed in my throat. Anytime I talked about Tim, I was close to losing my shit. Enough time had passed that I should be beyond this by now. But I knew better than anyone that there was no such thing as closure. Grief was a roller coaster that would catch you off guard when you least expected it. The loss of someone you love never stopped hurting, no matter how much time passed.

“My husband passed away a couple years ago. Cancer.” I preempted the inevitable questions about what killed him. “My kids went back home to college. They will visit, but they won’t be living with me.”

“I’m so sorry about your husband. You’re starting over. That’s good. It’ll help to create a life that is removed from him. That way, the grief won’t suck you under every time you turn around.”

My jaw dropped open at the young woman’s insight. I never would have expected her to be so wise. “Honestly, I never thought about that. I had the hardest time letting him go. Despite how much it hurt to eat at our favorite restaurant and go to our park, I ignored it because it felt like a betrayal to do anything else. It wasn’t until I got here and felt this sense of belonging that I started giving more thought to my desire to create a new life for myself.”

Aislinn exited through the gate and stopped by my side. She was at least three inches shorter than my five-foot-five frame and skinny as a rail, but she exuded this green aura. I must be thinking that because she enjoys gardening.

“As a Shakleton, you definitely belong here. I need to get home to make this potion, but if you ever need anything, I work at Phoenix Feathers. In fact, you should come in some time for a drink. On me.”

I extended my clean hand and shook hers. “Thank you. I will be in touch, I’m sure.”

I watched her walk away. I missed where she turned off my driveway because standing on the other side of the path was a man. He was muscular and intimidating. I wouldn’t say he was gorgeous. He was too scary for that, although his beauty was undeniable.

I lifted my hand and waved at him. “Hi. I’m Fiona. I just moved into my grandmother’s house.” The guy didn’t say a word as he stood with his feet braced apart, and his arms crossed over his chest while he narrowed his brown eyes at me.

I waited a few minutes before realizing he was not going to introduce himself. Swallowing hard, I turned back to my house. By the time I got inside the kitchen, he was gone. Maybe I would ask Aislinn who the attractive, yet angry man was.

Pymm’s Pondside was turning out to be more than I bargained for when I turned back to the kitchen to see silverware strewn over the island. A familiar determination settled over me. This was going to be great. There was no other choice.

I lost my Grams, quit my job, sold my house, and moved to another country. I couldn’t exactly pick up where I left off. That life was in the wind now.

Chapter 2

“Ungh!” I grab my head as that pinging started up again. I wonder for the millionth time if this is a perimenopausal symptom. The hot flashes have been happening more and more and I found one gray hair yesterday, so it wouldn’t surprise me. They say forty is the new thirty, and I agreed. At forty, there wasn’t much that slowed me. At forty-five, I’m not so sure. There are moments I feel ancient.

I push the irritation aside and force my feet to carry me to the coffee maker. In the past week, I have come to realize I need to find something to do with my time. I’ve always worked full-time and can’t stand not having something to do. I have enjoyed not having the stress of the hospital, but I need something.

I wished Violet had more time. It was nice living