Love Resolution - By Michelle Mankin Page 0,4

“Put your hat and sunglasses on,” he admonished.

“I will.” Head down, she hurried through the terminal, stopping at the VIP checkpoint to show an electronic pass to the security guard so that she could pass through.

In a reserved waiting area, she absently took off her hat and sunglasses and began pacing back and forth. She was way too keyed up to consider sitting, and the view out on the tarmac didn’t provide anything interesting to distract her. A couple glanced her way after whispering her name but didn’t approach her.

It had been twenty-one days since she had last seen Justin. Though they had talked on the phone nearly every day that he’d been in drug rehab, she hadn’t been able to see him since the facility didn’t allow visitors. She checked her phone again. The web app indicated that his flight had landed.

When the door to the jet way opened, Avery’s eyes locked on it expectantly. A handsome man, height a couple of inches taller but with red hair and features strikingly similar to hers, appeared among the disembarking passengers. He flashed a big smile that she returned.

“Avery!” He closed the distance between them quickly, dropped his duffle, and lifted her to her toes with a tight hug.

“Justin.” Tears pooled in her eyes. “I’ve missed you so much.”

“You too, sis.” He took a step back to appraise her. “You look good. Much better than when I last saw you in LA. Hair’s grown out some,” he commented, flicking a strand playfully.

“Yours is shorter, but I like it.”

“I had it cut.” He grinned. “Thought it would be a good idea.” He ran a hand along one close cut side. “I don’t want there to be any more cases of mistaken identity between the two of us. From what you tell me Marcus seems like a nice guy and all, but I don’t want him to kiss me.”

She managed a feeble smile.

“Something bothering you?” Justin tilted his head to the side. “Everything still ok with you and Marcus?” His green eyes narrowed as he studied her. “You’re not pregnant, are you?”

“Gosh no!” she blurted. “And don’t say things like that in public,” she admonished, lowering her voice. “Someone might hear you and print it.”

“Yeah, I saw you two in the magazines at the airport. You really do live in a fish bowl now, don’t you?”

She nodded ruefully.

“How is the old man, anyway?”

“What?” Avery’s head snapped up. “Who told you?”

“Told me what?” His brow creased with confusion. “I don’t understand. Is something wrong with Marcus?”

“No. He’s good.” She avoided his eyes as she put her hat and sunglasses back on. “He’d have come, but he had a work out scheduled with his trainer.” She tugged on his arm. “We’d better get going. Ray’s double parked at the curb.”

Justin pulled her to a stop before she made it to the door. Turning her around, he pinned her with a look. “Spill it sis. What’s got you so freaked?”

“I don’t think now’s a good time to talk about it.” She twisted nervously on the black wrist band that once belonged to her twin. “You just got released from rehab.”

“Uh-uh. Don’t do that.” He lifted her chin. “Don’t treat me like I’ve got an eggshell exterior that’s gonna crack apart any minute. It’ll drive me crazy. Tell me what’s going on.”

She stared back into emerald eyes that were identical to her own, and just as stubborn. She gave in with a nod. “Father’s here,” she whispered.

“In Vancouver?” Justin’s brows lifted in surprise.

“Yes.” She glanced back at the couple who had noticed her earlier. They had stopped talking and seemed to be eavesdropping. “Not here. Let’s talk about it in the car.”

When they walked out of the terminal and approached the Mercedes, Ray hopped out and jogged around to open the door.

“Ray, this is my brother, Justin,” she said laying her head briefly against his shoulder. “Justin, this is my good friend and protector, Ray.”

“Nice to meet you, man,” Justin said extending his right hand.

“Amazing,” Ray said, shaking it as he looked back and forth between both of them. “I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own two eyes. You do look a lot alike.”

“Yeah, but I’m the pretty one.” Justin chuckled.

“Come on.” Avery scooted into the back seat. “Get in the car, Pretty Boy.” While Ray loaded the duffle into the trunk, Justin turned to Avery, his expression suddenly serious. “Ok. Give it to me straight. When did you see Dad?