Love Notes - By Heather Gunter Page 0,4

back on to my shoulder. Holding my head up, I feel determined that this day has got to get better.

It can only go up from here, right?

Chapter 3-Maverick

Well that was unexpected. I’m in such a hurry, I mow a girl over. I’ve never seen her here before. Between the changes in my class schedule and getting ready for football season, no wonder I’m distracted. And let’s not forget about my Captain responsibilities. Oh, and my hopes for college recruitment.

There’s a lot on the line.

My thoughts stray back to the girl, whoever she is. The look of surprise on her face would’ve been comical had she not been so darn cute. I honestly felt bad but I don’t regret running into her. Bumping into her and making her fall–yes, but seeing her, not in the slightest. There was just something about her that seemed so familiar. I know I’ve never seen her before, so I wonder if this is her first day. That thought makes me feel worse and now I feel like an ass for knocking her over.

She’s not your typical tall, blonde but she was pretty and had big dark blue sparkling eyes. And she had curves. Something you don’t see a lot of around here. Football is so big at this school that all the girls aim to be skinny for cheerleading tryouts. It’s not talked about, but I guarantee, that at least half shove their fingers down their throat in their quest for the perfect body. Most of them don’t make it, so I don't know why they put themselves through it.

I’m not sure why I noticed her in particular, other than practically maiming her in the hallway. It’s not like I don’t have my fair share of girls to go out with. I go out all the time. I’m not a womanizer by any means. I just haven’t found anyone that is worth spending my time with. There are a couple girls that would love for me to settle down. I’m not being conceited just honest.

I make my way over to my best friend, Will. We’ve been best friends for forever. He’s the complete polar opposite of me. I’m broad and he’s lean. I’m dark headed and he’s blond. He gets me. I never have to explain myself and he always has my back. He’s also my co-captain.

I notice that he seems distracted, looking and glancing in another direction or at someone perhaps? I follow his gaze and can’t help shaking my head and chuckling. The minute I reach him I slap him on the back, catching him off guard. I can’t help but laugh even harder.

“You know Tori won’t give you the time of day right? Maybe you should just get her out of your mind and try dating someone else.” I know how Will thinks and know this is a futile conversation.

“Look at her though,” he says wistfully.

Tori’s tall with red hair. I mean naturally bright red hair, that you can spot a mile away. She also happens to be one of the nicest girls in this whole damn school and doesn’t give a shit about cheerleading or what anyone thinks for that matter. I think that’s a turn on for Will. That’s where he and I are a lot alike. Hell, it’s a turn on for me, but she’s just not my type.

And just like that, a picture of the girl I knocked over moves through my mind. Her sweet and shocked face continues to run like a film reel. The bell rings and I slap Will on the back again. “See ya at lunch, bro.”

Will just nods and slams his hands into his pockets and walks away.

Poor guy has got it bad.

I head over to my first class, which happens to be with Mrs. Jenkins, my history teacher. I walk into class and there sitting towards the back is that girl. In that moment our eyes immediately connect and Mrs. Jenkins kills the moment telling me to take a seat. I glance around and the only seat available is right next to her. So I take it.

Mrs. Jenkins then starts talking about the new girl and asks her to please come up front so she can introduce herself. Now, I’ve never understood why teachers do that, putting someone on the spot. She heads up to the front of the class and I wait with bated breath just to hear her name and find out a little more about her. I can’t figure