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she worked the magic that would call their spirits back from the netherworld. Magic that, as one of the Heroes of Legend, she would have learned long before she learned to ride a horse.

A window popped up on screen.

Solace is trying to resurrect you: accept / decline.

[Group][Orcarella]: Thx

[Group][Burnzurfais]: rez

Solace moved to Ialdir and did her thing again.

[Group][Burnzurfais]: rez

Another window popped up.

Burnzurfais has initiated a vote-kick against [Solace] Reason []. Yes/No.

The vote to kick Solace has failed.

[Group][Burnzurfais]: rez

[Group][Orcarella]: dude, why did you just try to vote-kick the healer

[Group][Burnzurfais]: no healz

[Group][Ialdir]: if the tank dies, it’s the healer’s fault, if the healer dies it’s the tank’s fault . . .


[Group][Burnzurfais]: too slow

[Group][Solace]: Why, are you late for the opera?

[Group][Burnzurfais]: i cud solo this on my main

With what seemed to Drew like an air of visible reluctance, Solace resurrected Burnzurfais. Then she jogged to the centre of the room, where the streams of lava met and plunged down into the furnace below. She teetered on the edge for a moment, her silver wings shining in the red glow from the final boss waiting in the depths.

[Guild][Solace]: Woah, that nearly went really badly wrong

[Guild][Dave]: Wut

[Guild][Solace]: I nearly fell down the middle of the furnace

[Group][Burnzurfais]: go

[Guild][Dave]: I did that once

[Guild][Dave]: Had num lock on

Ialdir and his pet owl, which seemed to be called Small Mangy Owl, went to the ledge and sat down next to Solace.

[Guild][Heurodis]: Once I jumped down because i was trying to show there was an invisible wall and you couldnt fall off it

[Guild][Solace]: I know. I was there

[Guild][Heurodis]: I was getting mixed up with the oubliette in FK back in vanilla

[Guild][Jargogle]: Oh, have you been playing since vanilla, Bjorn? I didn’t know because you never mention it.

[Group][Burnzurfais]: gogogo

[Group][Solace]: I never get tired of this view

It had been a while since Drew had even bothered looking at it. He sent Ella to join the others and tilted his mouse so he could see right down into the fiery chasm.


[Group][Burnzurfais]: gogogo

[Group][Ialdir]: you’d think he’d have enough servants by now

[Group][Solace]: I love how it’s the Great Machine. Like, how good is this machine? Pretty great.


[Group][Orcarella]: lol

[Group][Solace]: Well you wouldn’t want to worship a machine with self-esteem issues

[Group][Burnzurfais]: what the fuk is wrong with u fukin noobs

[Group][Solace]: Just taking time to smell the lava

[Group][Burnzurfais]: ffs

[Group][Orcarella]: Ok, lets just finish this. If we skip Gabraxis and Irontongue and go straight to Pyrite we’ll be done in about 20 mins.

[Group][Burnzurfais]: kk

[Guild][Solace]: But I like doing the optionals. I don’t feel I’ve had a good day unless I’ve been impaled by Irontongue’s mighty shaft.

Ialdir ran around in circles, very nearly falling into the furnace.

[Yell][Ialdir]: IMPALED!!!

Drew’s Dr Pepper was suddenly all over his keyboard.

[Group][Orcarella]: shit, sec

He cleaned up after himself, still grinning and not sure why this wasn’t the worst dungeon run he’d been on in months. Then he settled back down, marshalled his merry band, and led them deeper into the furnace. The next few packs of mobs went down fairly smoothly. Burnzurfais was still bad at avoiding damage and worse at keeping quiet about it, but he’d stopped pulling and hadn’t actually died again, so it seemed like they were making progress.

The party turned left into the rough-hewn cavern where Pyrite stood around waiting obligingly for adventurers to come and kill him. The entrance was swarming with tiny golden rocklings. Drew knew from experience that they exploded when they died. When the patch had first come out, you’d had to take them down one at a time so the damage didn’t spike too much, but a tier and a half later, Orcarella had enough health to eat it twice over.

[Group][Orcarella]: r

[Group][Ialdir]: r

[Group][Solace]: r

He waited a second or two for Burnzurfais, who bounced about impatiently but didn’t actually say anything in chat. Then he slapped down his Circle of Corruption and charged. The little rocks swarmed round, glittering and glinting as Ialdir’s exploding arrows landed neatly amongst them.

Suddenly, Burnzurfais was standing right on top of Ella, lightning coruscating around his body. It was the one time Drew had seen him cast a spell that wasn’t Fireball or Shroud of Mist.

The rocklings dropped dead with the precision of a synchronised swimming team, unleashing a massive chained explosion. Ella’s health plummeted, stabilised, and then began to climb steadily.

Drew remembered to breathe.

Out of