Long Time Gone - Lorelei James Page 0,3

with the pad of his thumb. “Fair warning, darlin’. I’m gonna have my mouth all over yours as soon as we’re alone.”

Her breath caught.

He murmured, “You ever been kissed?”

“Yes. Lots of times.”

Jealousy speared his gut. “By school boys,” he scoffed.

“So?” She attempted to retreat.

But Cal held steady, his gaze firmly focused on that pouty mouth of hers. “So get ready to understand the difference between havin’ a boy kiss you and havin’ a man devour you,” he said with a gruff edge.

On the next pass of his thumb across the center of her lower lip, Kimi opened her mouth and sank her teeth into the knuckle below his thumbnail. Then she pulled his hand away from her face and returned it to the table. She leaned in. “Fair warning, darlin’,” she mimicked, “I’m gonna expect a kiss that blows my hair back.”

They were close enough that he could plant his mouth on hers and level her with a kiss so hot not only would it blow her hair back, it’d blow her skirt up too.

A shadow fell across the table.

“Break it up,” Carson growled. “Come on, Cal, we gotta git.”

Cal kissed the inside of Kimi’s wrist before lowering her hand to the table. “See you Sunday, sweetheart.”

“Keep the groom outta trouble,” Kimi said to Cal without looking up at Carson. “No strip clubs. And he’d better not be hung over when he pledges his life to my sister or I’m holding you responsible, Calvin McKay.”

Like he had any control over his wild brother. But Cal knew Carson would be on his best behavior—at least until Carolyn bore his last name. “I’ll make sure of it.”

Chapter Two

Holy crap.

Holy, holy crap.

After Cal and Carson walked out, Kimi kept it together. But her knees were still weak when she climbed into the car. She pulled out a cigarette and hoped her sister didn’t notice how badly her hands shook as she struck the match. Besides, who’d believe one encounter with Calvin McKay had the power to affect her that profoundly? She wouldn’t have believed it herself half an hour ago.

Carolyn slammed the door and turned to look at her accusingly.

As usual, Kimi bristled. “What?”

“What happened between you and Cal?”

“Nothin’.” Such a lie. I think the man just changed my life. “We talked. Why?”

“Well, the phrase ‘struck dumb’ doesn’t apply because Cal did more than stare at you and mumble. He was really forward.”

“Forward?” Kimi snorted. “For godsake, Carolyn, you sound like Aunt Hulda. And maybe Cal’s actions are a McKay thing since it sounds like Carson has been pretty forward with you.”

“Don’t try and change the subject. You two seemed to be having a flirting contest.”

“Oh, there’s no contest—Calvin McKay wins, hands down,” she murmured.

“That’s because he has a lot of experience.”

Kimi drew in another lungful of smoke and exhaled. “Is this where you tell me he’s too old for me?”

Carolyn sighed. “Will you get mad if I say yes?”

“Yeah, but I wanna hear your reasons why you think the man—who, at twenty-four, is exactly the same age as your fiancé—is too old for me.”

“Because you’re almost two years younger than me!”


Her sister’s hands tightened on the steering wheel. “So, have you spent time with guys who aren’t high school students but have been out in the working world for several years?”

“You’re kiddin’ me, right? I barely ever get to see any guys, let alone get to shoot the breeze with them in an unchaperoned situation since I live in a convent most of the year.”

“Were you serious at lunch? When you said you wanted to drop out of school?”

“No! I just like to tease Aunt Hulda since she’s footing the bill for our ed-ja-kay-shun. Of course Mom took the opportunity to jump on me for it and call me ungrateful.” It was just another indication that her mom had never understood her sense of humor—or anything else about her. “So don’t you dare say anything to her about me flirting with Cal.”

“I’d never do that.” Carolyn said. “Did you know that Thomas tried to fix me up with one of his friends?”

“A coal miner?”

“No. A college guy.”

“And?” Kimi prompted.

“And I’d already met Carson. I couldn’t help but compare them. But there was no comparison. At all.”

Kimi thought back to Cal’s sexy taunt. Get ready to understand the difference between havin’ a boy kiss you and havin’ a man devour you. “How do you think Cal compares? Bein’s he and Carson are twins?”

“I don’t know Cal well. Yet. But even in the short