Loathing Temptation (Lockgrove Bay #1) - Caz May Page 0,4

Mr D even angrier. I can’t help but laugh too. Seeing Mr D getting riled up is fucking hilarious.

“Ezekiel, Ashton, detention now! Get out of my classroom, now!” Mr D roars at us both, making the room fall silent, except for the collective gasp of our classmates’ shock at Mr D actually taking charge for once.

Zeke and I gather up our books and leave the room, breaking into a fit of laughter the moment we step out the door. Zeke gives an up yours to Mr D through the glass of the door, and Mr D opens it suddenly, shoving a piece of paper into my hand to take to detention.

Heading down the corridor to the detention hall at the end, I slap Zeke on the back.

“Thanks for that man. I fucking hate Maths and Mr Dick lover.”

“No worries man. And I happen to know that Miss Miller is on duty in detention.”

“Damn, sweet as.”

“Yep,” he replies, opening the door to the detention room, and smiling at Miss Miller. He tried to get it on with her last year, but she shot him down of course. But she’s always been easy on us and all the guys from the team.

She laughs when we both walk in, and asks, “What are you idiots doing here first day back? And first period?”

I laugh, handing her the detention slip when Zeke answers, “I asked Mr D if he played with any balls over the holidays.”

She cracks up laughing. “Zeke, you didn’t?”

“Guilty Miss M. You should’ve seen his face. Gold. Well, tomato red actually.”

“Well, I don’t have to tell you that’s not appropriate but it’s definitely funny, I’ll give you that.”

“And I had to get my boy here out of Maths class.”

“Right, well first day back and all I’m guessing you don’t have any homework, so chill. I’ll tell Mr Daniels I made you do Algebra equations.”

“Thanks, Miss M,” Zeke says cheekily, giving her a wink that colours her cheeks.

We sit down, and I elbow him.

“You still wanna root her, don’t you?”

“Yeah, I’ve got eyes, Ash. Miss M is hot.”

“You’re a wanker.”

“Guilty,” he replies laughing. “So tell me more about Tempany? Is she hot?”

I gulp, thinking about Tempany earlier this morning, imagining her wearing no tights under that tutu.

“Ash, man, I said is she hot or what?

“Yeah man, she’s fucking gorgeous but I can’t.”

He stares at me, shock on his face. He knows about Tempany taking my basketball.

“So, you’re not going to root a gorgeous chick because she took your ball when you were eight?”

Anger rises in my chest. And I ball my fists, wanting to punch my best mate for being such a hard arsed, sex-driven wanker. I’m so pissed at him for acting like he doesn’t give a fucking shit about what Tempany taking my basketball did to me.

“It’s not that so much man...it’s that because of that dad beat my arse so hard.”

Zeke is dumbfounded.

I’d never told him that little—well not so little—detail about Dad laying into me because of the basketball incident, only that Tempany took it.

“Shit, man I didn’t know. Your dad is such a fucking prick.”

“Prick isn’t a harsh enough word for him. You know that bro. And what he did to me because of Tempany I’ll never forget. He’s been on my arse ever since, beating the shit out of me for any little thing. I hate her so fucking much. She ruined my fucking life.”

Zeke frowns, touching my arm. “Yeah I get ya, bro, so ruin hers.”

I chuckle, almost manically. “I plan to. I’m going love fucking her up.”

“Oh yeah, you think she’s pure?”

“I’d guarantee it, and I’m going to bring the temptress to her knees.”

He laughs maniacally. “Yeah, man. Fuck yeah.”

“I love ya, man.”

“Don’t get all sappy on me dipshit. I don’t bat for that team.”

“Haha, go fuck yourself.”

He pushes his chair back. And grabs his dick through his trackies, making a wanking gesture with his fist. And I cack myself laughing when he starts moaning and leaning back in his chair.

“Zeke!” Miss Miller’s voice calls out from the front of the room.

He stops his fake dick wanking, looking right at her and fluttering his eyelashes. “Yes, Miss M? You wanna join me?”

“No Zeke.”

“Shame, Miss M. You’d love it.”

“That’s enough, Ezekiel!”

He laughs at her, and I can’t help but laugh at my best mate. He’s such a tease.

“Burn, Miss M. Burn.”

She doesn’t get to reply, the bell cajoling through the speakers.

“Well, Miss M, it’s been fun, but we’re out. Catch ya in ‘physical’ education,” Zeke