A Little Bit Dirty - Jenika Snow Page 0,3

stream of motion. Marcus had his head low, and his light brown hair was longer as well and hanging over his forehead. Matty looked like the only “clean shaven” one, but even though his blond hair was cut short and a stylish disheveled mess around his head, she knew he could be just as wild and reckless as the rest of the guys.

As they finished that song and went right into another one the room started to get warmer, and perspiration lined not only the area between her breasts but along her spine as well.

The guys’ shirts were becoming plastered to their chests, and their mannerisms became fierce and strong the deeper they went into the songs. People were singing along, their hands thrown high in the air, and a few women even screamed when Jacks would hit an especially soulful note. God.

His voice, it still did something to her. Even now, all these years later, she could hear him singing in the basement of his parents’ place. Although most of the time there were the other guys and Zoe around, there were a few times when it was just them. She would just sit in the corner, her knees curled under her as she listened to Jacks do an acoustic version of a song he had just written, or even to a cover from one of her favorite bands.

He had this way about him that could draw everyone toward him. He was mesmerizing in every way possible, but to her it was like a drug she was addicted to. He was like that drug she needed desperately, and staying away had only hidden her feelings. The longer she stared at him, let his words and the melody of the song fill her, she felt her entire body light up. Her heart pounded hard, and adrenaline flooded her body.

One week back and she was already falling hard into the past, one that was five years gone by, and one that concerned a group of guys that probably no longer even thought about the friendship they had all once shared. Hell, she doubted Jacks even remembered the night they had shared, or the way she had run like a scared rabbit from the one person that had meant the world to her.

He probably had gorged himself on countless women, ones that were far more beautiful, and a hell of a lot thinner than she was.

As they moved from one song to the next, Jacks started playing his guitar as well as singing. Most of the band could play multiple instruments, and seeing Jacks on that stage, clearly wrapped up in the music and his fans, made this experience something totally different from what she had experienced all those years ago.

If she felt this intoxicated from just watching them, she couldn’t even imagine how drugging it was for them on that stage.

An hour and a half later and the band had just walked off of the stage. The crowd was still going wild, trying to get them back out for the third time for another encore. But the lights went off, and then came back on to their regular strength. There were a few younger girls, maybe eighteen, who started squealing about how hot the band was, and the sexual things they would allow them to do if they ever had the chance.

“Come on.” Zoe grabbed her arm and started leading her through the crowded main floor. “Backstage passes, baby.” Zoe had the biggest grin on her face, which had Tanner feeling happy as well, but on the heels of that excitement was nervousness.

All Tanner could feel was this strange shaky fear slam into her over and over again like a sledgehammer on concrete. Zoe kept pulling her forward, but it was a push and retreat as all the people around them were trying to move at the same time. The back of Rosco’s held a storage room and a freezer, but she also knew there was a pretty generous employee lounge there, too. They kept pushing forward, until they were at the bar with the backdoor to their right.

“Let’s get a drink before we go back there.”

Yeah, that was a pretty good idea. Tanner nodded, and they waited twenty minutes just to place their order. Once they had both downed a shot, and now held a beer in their hands, they made their way to the backdoor. Of course there was a line of barely legal girls standing by the two