Lachlan's Heart (The MacCulloughs #2) - Suzan Tisdale Page 0,3

on his heel and headed toward Keevah’s cottage.

His carefully prepared speech evaporated from his mind completely the moment she opened the door. She stole his very breath away.

Raven black hair that was nearly blue when the sunlight hit it just so, was carefully braided and draped over one shoulder, where it cascaded almost to her waist. Gloriously thick hair that framed what he felt was the most perfect oval-shaped face. Full, pink lips that he was quite certain would feel as soft as rose petals, formed a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes.

“Ye have heard?” he asked from the doorway.

A curt nod was her only reply before she turned away. Ducking his head low, he stepped inside. Her cottage was immaculate, not just neat and tidy. A brazier stood in the center of the small space with two small stools on opposite sides. A small bed tucked against the opposite wall, a small kitchen with a window that let in the early morning light. Her loom sat on the south wall, under a slightly larger window.

Like him, she appreciated order in her life. Just like him, she couldn’t stand chaos. There wasn’t a thing out of place, save for her half-smile and silence. Mayhap this was a sign that she was going to miss him as much as he was going to miss her.

“I wish I had more time to discuss this with ye, Keevah,” he said as he gently closed the door.

“What is there to discuss?” she said with a shrug of indifference. “’Tis a great honor they have bestowed upon ye. Ye will make a fine chief, Lachlan.”

Patiently, he waited in silence in the quiet hope that she would eventually turn around and look at him. Preferably soon.

“Keevah, I will be back in a fortnight,” he said, his tone encouraging. “I want ye to wait for me.”

When she turned to look at him there was no doubt she was puzzled. “Wait for ye?”

“Aye,” he said, taking a cautious step toward her.

“To what end?” she asked as she tilted her head to one side.

He offered her his most sincere smile. More than anything, he wanted to give her the words of his heart. He could hear one of his men calling for him as he came down the path.

“Keevah, I want ye to ken that I sincerely value the friendship that has sprouted betwixt us these past weeks,” he said in a soft, warm voice. “Ye made the most difficult times far more tolerable.”

He watched as she wrapped her arms around her waist. She said nothing and kept her back to him. Whoever was calling his name was growing nearer. Damn! He wished he had more time.

“I am glad for yer friendship as well, Lachlan,” she said. Her voice was nothing but a whisper, giving him a glimmer of hope. If the leavin’ is difficult, mayhap it is because she has the same feelin’s for ye.

“Keevah, will ye please look at me?”

There was a knock at the door – one of his men calling out his name. “Lachlan, Jamie says we must go,” came a voice from the other side.

She took in a deep breath before turning around. “Ye must nae tarry,” she said, giving a slight nod toward the door. “I wish ye well, Lachlan.”

Another knock, louder this time. “Lachlan! Are ye in there?”

“Keevah-” He was interrupted by another loud knock.

Frustrated, he yanked open the door. “Tell Jamie and the others to wait,” he ordered. “And dinnae bother me again.”

Properly chastised, the young man spun on his heels and left as if his toes were on fire. Satisfied, Lachlan shut the door and turned back to Keevah.

“Ye should nae make yer men wait,” she told him.

He chuckled softly. “They will nae leave without me.”

He was, after all, their new chief and laird. While he knew he had a duty and responsibility to his men, there was a more important duty standing before him.

“I want ye to marry me.”

She spun on her heel; her eyes grew as big and round as wagon wheels. “What?”

“I want to marry ye,” he repeated.

“But why?” she asked incredulously.

Chuckling again, he took a step forward. “Because I love ye, Keevah.”

The sincerity in his voice, the genuine look of adoration in his big brown eyes was unmistakable. Her heart cracked with the knowledge that she could never be his wife. The last thing she’d ever want to do was bring him even a moment of pain. While she had recently come to the realization