Lachlan's Heart (The MacCulloughs #2) - Suzan Tisdale Page 0,2

them to willingly take the MacCullough name. Therefore, he and Richard were quite glad for Angus’s offer.

Not once in all his years had he wished to be chief or laird of any clan. Truly, the thought never entered his mind.

Now, in the course of a day, he’d been given the rarest of opportunities to be and do just that. ’Twas an honor to even be considered for such a great and noble endeavor. Aye, it was also a significant responsibility. He’d not shirk his duty and he’d make damned certain that when it came time for Richard and Aeschene’s first born to claim their birthright, they’d not be disappointed.

He could think of no one better to help him in this pursuit than Keevah. With her by his side, there was naught he couldn’t do, no mission he couldn’t accomplish, no mountain he could not climb. He’d be invincible; unstoppable.

Now if only he could convince her of that.

The morning was not going as he had planned. He had hoped to avoid any prolonged goodbyes between himself his cousins. Saying goodbye to Richard, Raibeart and Colyne had been difficult, but not nearly as difficult as with Aeschene. The poor woman had cried so much that Richard ordered her back to bed. “Ye are the brother I always wanted,” she told him through hiccups. Considering she had four brothers by blood and two by law, he found that an exceedingly odd statement. But given that she was heavy with child, he decided not to point out what he considered to be rather obvious. In truth, he was going to miss the feisty woman. He was also going to miss Raibeart and Colyne more than he cared to admit. With Aeschene’s love and guidance, the boys had given up their heathen ways. If that wasn’t a miracle, he didn’t know what was.

It had taken more than an hour for those dreaded goodbyes to the only family he’d known since he was a child.

At Richard’s behest, he also stopped to tell Angus McKenna and Duncan McEwan thank you. The two men and their army of fine warriors had been instrumental in the battle against the Chisolms. Had it not been for them, Lachlan knew ‘twould be he and the rest of his family still hanging from the gallows and not Randall Chisolm.

What was meant to be a quick thank ye for your help ended up being an hour-long discussion regarding Lachlan’s future and what was the best way to win the Chisolms over. Angus felt a more diplomatic approach would serve him well. Duncan, however, was of the mindset that Lachlan should simply banish or kill anyone who refused to give him their fealty.

In the end, he promised to take both their opinions under advisement. Satisfied, the two men promised that should he ever need them in the future, all he need do is send word. For that he would be forever grateful.

As he made his way through the courtyard, one person after another felt it necessary to offer their best wishes and fond farewells. At this rate, it would be a week before they reached their new holding.

Most of the men he was taking with him were assembled near the gate, readying horses and supplies for the journey. Believing everything was under control, he decided to leave them to their work while he went to see Keevah. Yet every time he began to make his way towards the woman’s cottage, someone would call out his name, needing his help with one thing or another. He was getting his first glimpse at what being the chief of a clan would look like. Thus far, he was unimpressed.

They should have left hours ago. He’d moved past frustrated and straight into furious with the constant questions and delays.

Annoyed, he pulled young Jamie MacCullough aside. “I am declaring ye my second in command,” Lachlan told him. Jamie’s wide-eyed expression said he firmly believed Lachlan had lost his mind. “Me?”

“Aye, ye,” he declared as he began walking away. Jamie was a good lad, at least ten years his junior. While he was quite skilled with sword and mace and possessed a good head on his shoulders, those weren’t the reasons he’d chosen him. He was simply the closest man available.

“Jamie MacCullough is my second in command!” Lachlan called out to anyone within shouting distance. Those still packing supplies onto horses glanced up, shrugged their shoulders, then immediately went back to work. Without waiting for questions or comments, he spun