Kick Back - Susi Hawke



I drummed my fingertips on the arm of my seat. They didn't make a sound against the smooth leather, not that I cared. I was too entranced by my brother-in-law's stories of his past decade working with the underground to rescue omegas from ridiculous mating contracts that should have been outlawed centuries ago.

Fucking politics.

"How come you've only been involved for the past decade? Or are you that much younger than us?" My brother Nash didn't bother to look up from his Kindle as he spoke. It never failed to amaze me how that man could read and follow a conversation at the same time.

Before Darius could answer, I kicked Nash in the ankle. "While we're being nosy, can you tell me why you’re even here? I wanted to take the job for a reason. I'm the only one who has the panache necessary to be seen in the palace when our favorite royal pain-in-the-ass prince introduces me to his family."

Nash glanced up for that. "Just because you know how to dress yourself doesn't mean shit about your manners. You forget, I sit next to you at the dinner table. And you're lucky it's me here because Dan and I flipped for it. One of us needed to stay behind to watch Sacha. Clay and Nick are too busy getting ready for the baby to run after our nephew. I hate to break it to you, Dear, but there was no way either of us was letting you go in without backup. Get over it since it’s a done deal now that I’m here on the plane." His eyes dropped back to his book as if to show that he was done with the conversation.

I went to kick him again, but the big jerk crossed his legs just in time. He whistled innocently under his breath and focused on the screen as if he were completely unaware.

Gibby and Darius were seated right across from us, both of their faces lit with amusement. When I stuck my tongue out, Gib made a face while Darius watched him with a bemused smile. Trust the guy who’d never wanted a mate to be the one to land a prince. And not only a prince, but a man who was completely crazy about him.

Since jealousy was never attractive, I’d been supportive of my brother from the start. And truthfully, I really was happier for Gib than I would ever admit. Having an instafamily was a good look for him.

Stifling a yawn, Gib leaned against Darius and motioned toward Nash. "Don't be such an irritated hypocrite, brat. I seem to remember you following me to Lisbon because you were worried I'd need backup. This isn't Nash trying to go all caveman alpha on you or anything. Our brother's right, Dear. We don't know what you might be walking into here. If somebody has connected Father Clarence to the underground and was angry enough to put a contract out for his death, then it's wise to take precautions. And I can’t back you up when I have to play my role as the prince’s consort."

"Quit trying to sound rational, that's my job." I pouted and huffed a breath, sending a puff of air over my face that blew back the hair that was just long enough to fall over my forehead. "I get it, but that doesn't mean I have to like it. Besides, won’t it look suspicious for Darius to show up with an entire entourage?"

Darius cracked up. "I don't know where you've been, but you obviously haven't seen how we royals operate. We don't go anywhere without our own crowd of people. Whether it be bodyguards, personal assistants, or friends who think it's cool to hang with royalty, it would look strange if I didn't have a few people with me. Just promise we can save Father Clarence because that's all I need to hear."

Frowning, I looked into the inky blackness on the other side of the window. “I’ll do my best, Darius. But remember, if I don’t fulfill this contract, they’ll send someone else. One way or the other, I’m afraid your favorite clergyman is in for some life-altering changes.”

Darius didn't look too concerned. "I'm not convinced that Father Clarence will mind big changes if it means he continues to live another day."

I couldn't argue with that. "Fair enough. I can't help but wonder what would make a clergyman take such a risk that he’d put his own life in danger. Aside from the obvious,