Keeping Kenzie - Pepper North Page 0,4

you can hold him but only if you keep him away from your body.” She leaned closer to whisper confidentially, “He thinks you smell bad.”

“I promise. No big hugs now.”

“Okay.” Kenzie passed over her stuffie and watched for a few seconds until satisfied that Osiris would handle her chameleon carefully. Then, she diligently wrapped and secured plastic wrap around his arm to cover the fresh stitches.

Chapter 3

Osiris ducked his head under the cool water. He’d had to wait until the others finished in the mass shower. The enchantress in chameleon pajamas who thought the world viewed her as tough had wormed her way directly into his heart. His body responded to his brain’s claims that she was his. He’d worked hard to build his strength, but he’d never felt so powerful as when those big brown eyes caressed his body.

Not wanting to leave her for too long, he rubbed the soap all over his body quickly. Ignoring his steely erection, Osiris focused on anything that wasn’t sexy to ward off his body’s reaction to her presence. Finally, back in control, he toweled off and pulled on the civilian clothes he’d brought for the party.

Emerging into the main living space, he found a damp-haired Kenzie being entertained by his colleagues as they set up for the party. He approached from behind her and wrapped his arm around her waist. “You look clean!” he complimented.

“Liz had a spare set of clothes. She was nice enough to loan them to me,” Kenzie informed him as she smiled at the only female firefighter on duty that shift.

“Thanks, Liz.”

“No problem. We’re almost the same size. It worked out great. I put her pj’s in the washer,” Liz answered with an easy smile. Osiris liked her even more. Any woman who could put up with the testosterone-infused environment was amazing. Even more important, she was a damn fine firefighter and one whom he’d entrusted with his life a myriad of times.

He turned to study the young woman next to him, without a dab of makeup and wearing clothing that almost fit but obviously wasn’t hers. “You doing okay, Little girl?” he asked privately.

“I’m good. Your friends are really nice. They all looked at the address of the hotel the volunteer gave me and told me to stay with you. Are you sure you don’t mind? I’ll be as quiet as a mouse. You’ll never know I’m there.”

“I will be glad to have you with me, Kenzie. Otherwise, I’d be sleeping in the hall outside your door in that rat-infested hotel to make sure you’re safe,” Osiris informed her.

“It has rats? I really don’t want to go there.”

Osiris nodded. The human rats would be more dangerous than the skinny-tailed ones. “Are you ready for the party?”

“You’re really retiring? You don’t look old.”

Laughing, he squeezed her a bit closer to his body. “You’re good for me, Kenzie. Firefighters can retire after twenty years. It’s a young man’s or woman’s job.”

“But you’re in great shape.”

“Yes. I also know that I’m slower to recover after injury. I would never want to endanger the team because I can’t contribute one hundred percent.”

“That makes sense.”

“Hey, old guy! Can you set up the plate and plastic ware?”

“We’re on it. Come on, Little girl. You can help me.” Osiris guided Kenzie into the storage room where they kept all the supplies. Handing her a big package of napkins, he loaded his arms with plates, cups, and a large box of utensils.

“I can carry more,” she protested, trailing him from the room.

“You’re helping. I’d probably be juggling by now to keep everything balanced,” he assured her. Her quiet giggle at the mental image he’d provided made his heart grow inside him. Suddenly, he wanted to hear that sweet sound again and again. She’d lost everything but still had joy in her heart.

Working together, they spread out the items on the end of the table for everyone to grab as they went through the line. The last touch was the fanned-out napkins that Kenzie added to the display. “Looks great, Little girl.”

“I like it, too!” she chimed in before becoming serious. “Osiris? Is there a phone I can use? I need to call my insurance.”

“Do you have the phone number?”

“I’m hoping it’s on the card in my purse.” Kenzie ran to the laundry room. Osiris followed. “I left my purse in here,” she explained as he entered the room.

Rummaging through the contents, Kenzie cheered, “Amazing!” She held up her cell phone. “I forgot to take my