Jingle All the Way - Debbie Macomber Page 0,1

This is my sister’s girl and it means the world to Annette to have the chance to learn from you. You realize she idolizes you.”

Then God help her if the young woman intentionally had it out for her, Everly mused. “Jack, take your eye off that golf ball and look at me. Favorite niece or not, I’m done.”

Jack looked up and his eyes widened. “Annette was named after my mother.”

“I don’t care if she was named after the Statue of Liberty, I refuse to work with her a minute longer. The girl is incompetent.”

His shoulders sagged. “Please reconsider.”

That he would ask infuriated Everly. “No.”

“No?” Jack looked both crestfallen and shocked.

After mentally reciting the alphabet, she tried again. “I know you love Annette and want to please your sister, but I’m the one left to deal with this pampered, entitled, inept girl.”

Jack pretended not to hear and did a couple of practice golf swings. “I’ll think on it,” he said, as if this was his decision.

Which was so Jack. He had tunnel vision and refused to deal with unpleasantness, especially anything having to do with his family.

“Great. You want to keep Annette working here, then I have an idea,” Everly said with an exaggeratedly cheerful note. “Make Annette your assistant.”

“I can’t do that,” Jack insisted, leaning against his putter. “Maryann has worked with me from the beginning. Besides, Annette is family.” To his credit, Jack looked uncomfortable. When he glanced up, a pleading expression came over him. Everly knew that look. He was trying to figure out a way to change Everly’s mind. That wouldn’t work. Not this time.

Jack smiled. “I know you’re upset, and you have a right to be. It was a silly mistake, but Annette apologized…”

“Silly mistake? She apologized?” If he defended this nitwit one more time, Everly was going to walk out the door and leave the running of the company to him and see what he had to say then.

“You’re not listening to me, Jack. I. Have. Reached. My. Limit.”

Jack stared at her for a long moment. “I’m pleading with you, Everly. Give her one more chance, that’s all I’m asking. With a fresh start I believe Annette will prove her worth. Don’t make a hasty decision.”

Hasty decision? Had Jack lost his ever-loving mind?

He must have noticed the stubborn expression she wore, because he added, “Remember, this is her first job out of college. We all make mistakes. You did. I did. We were fortunate that people believed in us. Is it so much to ask that we give my sister’s daughter the same opportunity?”

“Admit it, Jack, anyone else would have been out the door weeks ago.”

“Come on, Everly,” Jack pleaded again.

Everly shook her head. “What you fail to realize is that Annette not only let me down, but she’s failed you, and this entire organization. You aren’t going to be able to turn this around. I’m not changing my mind.”

Having had her say, Everly left his office.

* * *

Annette sat at her desk, wearing the same cocky look she had at the banquet. The twerp knew her uncle would never fire her, and she thought this made Everly powerless. Everly hadn’t built this company and earned the respect of this industry to let some kid win this war.

Jack followed Everly into her office. He paused long enough to close the door before facing her. After a moment, he leaned forward and braced both hands on the edge of her desk. “When was the last time you had a vacation?”

Of all the responses she’d expected from him, this one was a surprise. “A vacation?” she repeated. “What does that have to do with anything?”

“You’re stressed out, and it’s showing.”

“Ya think?” she said with a huff. “I can’t and won’t tolerate incompetence. If anything, Annette is responsible for upping my stress level.” She already had her hand on the phone to connect with HR. Whether Jack liked it or not, Annette was getting fired.

“Letting go of Annette will devastate my sister.”

“Your sister?” she repeated, shaking her head. Jack’s sister was the least of her worries.

“And Annette, too, of course.”

“Apparently you didn’t hear me. I gave Annette every opportunity. She doesn’t have the skills or the maturity for this position.”

“Give her one more chance,” he urged, placing his hands in praying position.

Everly adamantly shook her head. “I already have. I’ve said all I will on the subject.”

“It’s nearly December.”

What did that have to do with any of this? “It doesn’t matter, Jack. My mind