Jake (Downton Cowboys #2) - Miley Maine Page 0,4

all that meaningful?

As the warm breeze tickles my face and weaves itself through my hair, I take a deep breath and think about the current state of things.

I live with my parents. I can’t remember the last time I met someone exciting or even interesting. Aside from my group of friends in town, it seems as though the whole place has run out of interesting people. There’s nobody I’d like to meet, no one I feel like talking to.

Every day is exactly the same.

As much as I want to leave town and move away, start anew, make a different life, I still can't get myself to do it. I love this town too much to live far away. I love my parents, my friends, and the things I do.

But, to what end?

There’s no telling how my life will end up if I never change anything. Where will I ever encounter a man who will give me that spark I seek? How will the universe help me if I refuse to help myself?

These are the kinds of thoughts that invade my mind every time I’m alone and doing something mindless that doesn’t require much focus.

Perhaps I should stop doing that.

Suddenly, there’s a change in the force around me. The peace and quiet of my surroundings are rudely interrupted.

When I hear a loud neigh followed by a muffled thud in the distance, I almost keep on riding. But, as I turn Lady around to leave, out of the corner of my eye I catch a glimpse of a man lying on the ground, completely motionless.

For a second, I just stop, and my eyes see nothing but him.

Now, I’ve never met anyone who goes out of their way to avoid trouble as much as I do. But the sight of the poor soul splayed out in the sun propels me forward, makes me approach him until Lady stops and I leap down.

He could be hurt.

I slowly put one foot in front of the other, secretly nervous as my eyes discreetly look around.

Is he alone? Did he just drop dead?

I look up and see his black horse a few yards back. He would have looked majestic, bless his heart, if he weren’t so spooked.

Shit. That’s a bad fall.

Leaning forward, I mumble something or other as I notice how handsome he is.

He’s clearly a cowboy or some sort of rancher. His jeans are faded in pressure spots that indicate getting down on his knees a lot. His white shirt is stained with random splotches of dirt from the fall, and his hat is tossed a few inches away, revealing those luxurious hair, fair as the sun.

“Damn, you’re out, cold aren’t yah?” I whisper as I turn back to the victim, my hand reaching for the water bottle hanging from Lady’s saddle.

I look again in the direction of his horse who’s quietly watching me. Poor thing must be worried.

My fingers slowly reach down to the man’s nostrils and I conclude that he’s still breathing. Straightening up, I quickly undo the cap and tilt the flask over to feel the water. It’s still chilly, so I splash some on his face. He doesn’t move a muscle, so I pour more onto his head directly from the bottle this time.

When his hair gets wet, it sticks onto his forehead and I lick my lips.

Twitching, he begins to stir.

Thank God! I take a deep breath which comes out as an audible exhale when his eyelids finally part open, uncovering the dreamiest blue eyes I’ve ever seen.

They were bright as a turquoise lagoon somewhere exotic and tropical.

Or, it could just be the rays of sunlight that are infiltrating his irises, giving them a heavenly glow.

I swallow past the lump in my throat.

When he looks at me with a baffled expression, I realize that I am still hunched over him. I immediately shift, giving him some space.

“Are you alright?” I ask, my heart racing for fear that he might have broken something.

“Uh—” He raises an arm, his hand instantly shooting back behind his head.

Well, at least he can move. That’s a good sign.

He stares at his fingers and I’m happy to see that there’s no blood. Relieved, he turns around, his fingers randomly feeling the ground as if he is checking for something. When he sees his horse, his expression relaxes.

“What happened? Do you remember at all?” I try to speak softly in case he’s suffering from a concussion. I fidget once again, not exactly sure of what to do next.
