The Hunter's Warrior - Bryce Evans Page 0,1

shame I had to travel all the way to Montana to visit you. Love the cabin by the way. Very expensive looking. Hear you got an extra job now,” Raven said.

Shaking his head, Archie tried to look innocent. “Can’t a man earn a living?”

“Not when it comes to shifter trafficking,…”

“Idiot,” Leo spit out.

Shaking her head, Raven screamed, “No...Idiot isn’t a good enough name for what he is. He should have the king of idiot’s name. You…” The word wouldn’t come out because everything that passed through her head wasn’t bad enough for ole Archie.

“Nitwit, bonehead, blockhead, cretin, dimwit,” Leo said, trying to hasten the interrogation. He glanced at her, waiting for her to agree with any of the names he gave.

“Heck, I don’t even have a good enough name for you right now. You are selling your own people for money. Is money so important to you?” Raven and her brother both stared at Archie.

“Well, yeah. Because it’s a lot of money. If you let me go, I will cut you in for twenty percent of the profit after my expenses, of course,” Archie said, growling from the pain.

Raven started for him when her brother pulled her back. “You nincompoop. You disgust me. You—”

“Okay. Forty percent, but not a dollar more,” Archie offered. When neither of them said anything, he started smiling. “I knew it. I always heard that a Death Hunter couldn’t be bought, but I guess they never offered the magic number.”

Leo covered his face knowing what was coming next—his sister raking her secret weapon down the idiot. Didn’t he know the worst thing he could do was offer a bribe to a Death Hunter. He hated when she got like this. A slap across the enemy’s face. A rake down his body. Slap. Rake. Slap. Rake.

“You crazy b—” Slap. Rake. Slap. Rake. Now came the begging. “Please, please, I’ll be good. Please, please, stop, please. I’ll talk. I will, please…”

Leo peeked through his fingers and winced once he saw what she had done. It was kind of a talent of Raven’s. Her middle finger claw was different. It hooked onto skin and then she zipped it along the flesh. When she was done, it looked like a body zipper. Archie’s face resembled a red coat with a jacked-up zipper. If the man could see his cheeks and forehead, he would tell them everything because next she would start on his back. Ugly...and he would never be the same again. Leo shivered thinking about it.

His sister smiled. She was losing patience. Leo offered, “Archie, if I were you, I would start spilling because I know her look.” Leo shook his head and muttered, “It’s not good, son.”

Archie stared at Raven for a few seconds. “Okay, okay, just stop with the claw. So, I worked for a shifter named Killian Strong and his brother, but they went missing and now I’m in contact with a vampire. He says his name is Boris Connor. I was told he is business partners with a human by the name of Wyatt Benjamin. This is all I know. Please let me go. I’m a dead man now.”

Patting the side of his face, Raven said, “Don’t give me any ideas now, Archie.” She slowly walked away, thinking. She muttered to herself, “Where have I heard that name from?”

“I told you what you wanted. Now, let me go.”

Storming back over to him, she grabbed his jaw and jerked it toward her. “Why does that name sound familiar to me?”

“Wyatt Benjamin the billionaire,” Archie spit out.

Her heart nearly stopped when she remembered. When she called home, Reed told her that a human, Wyatt Benjamin had purchased property in New Hope. The alpha tried to buy it before the human did but Benjamin paid double the price. Why was he in New Hope? Was he involved with Boris Connor? Did Calum O’Keefe know him?

“How do you get in touch with this Boris and what arrangement do you have with him?” Raven demanded.

“When I find someone who meets his demands I...well, I take them and someone meets me at a destination of his choosing. We exchange and I leave. I don’t ask any questions, and this is how I stay alive. I don’t talk to anyone about this,” Archie said, shaking his head. “Until now.”

“What does this Boris look like?”

“Never seen him. Just the guards. He sits in a blacked-out SUV. I did see his hand once when he gave a motion to his guard. Now, they