Hot SEAL, A Forever Dad (SEALs in Paradise #31) - Maryann Jordan Page 0,3

had been empty for a while but now the grass was trimmed, and several toys were in the yard. Curtains hung on their kitchen window as well. Turning his back to the window, he glanced around to see what else he could do to busy himself, but her words cut through his thoughts.

“You’re stalling, Benjamin.”

He looked over at her, finding her peering at him through her glasses, her sharp eyes on his face. Sighing, he nodded and walked back to the table, slumping into the chair. “What would you say if I told you that I’m not going back in a week?”

She startled slightly and shook her head. “Oh, no, Benjamin. You’re not going to give up everything to stay here with me! I’m fine. The stroke was not serious, and I don’t need you to sacrifice your career for me. You help me find a qualified contractor, and then I can get this place ready to sell.”

He held her gaze then grinned sheepishly. “You never did let me get away with anything, did you?”

“Bah,” she chuckled, waving her hand. “What’s on your mind? What are you not telling me?” Leaning back, she added, “You’ll make me worry if I have to guess.”

“You missed your calling. You should have been an interrogator. You could make the most hardened terrorist want to spill their guts.”

Her mirth now poured forth as she laughed, her eyes twinkling. Finished stalling, he held her hand, noting the strength in her fingers. “It was time.” She said nothing, her patience allowing his story to come as it would.

“Your phone call didn’t start the change in my life. I was already having to make some difficult decisions. Fifteen years in the service… thirteen of those as a SEAL. I was lucky. I got to work with the best people doing a job I loved. But change comes to us all.”

“Your injuries.” Her plainly stated comment was soft and full of understanding.

“Yeah.” He sighed his acknowledgment. “The first knee injury involved physical therapy, but I was anxious to get back to my team, so I jumped in to do whatever I had to do to get cleared. The second injury of the same knee included surgery, followed by PT and rehab. And a stern warning about the joint being weakened.”

“As we get older, our bodies don’t heal as quickly as we would like, even at your young age.”

Her words pricked his thick skin. Thirty-three wasn’t old, and he was luckier than many. But eventually, his luck ran out. A third serious injury involved more surgery, more PT, more rehab.

“Yeah. The next injury caused me the most problem with my superiors.” He had been called into the commander’s office and told that if he couldn’t keep up, he’d be sidelined on upcoming missions. He’d nodded his understanding but walked out pissed at the world. Waking up each morning with a stiff and aching knee despite his determination only made it worse. Then came his grandmother’s call.

She stiffened her back and huffed. “They can’t kick you out! You’re too valuable—”

“Whoa, tiger,” he laughed, rubbing his hand over hers. “No one kicked me out. But I knew I needed to make some decisions. Your call came at the perfect time. You needed some help… I needed to make a career change.”

“What are you saying, Benjamin? Speak plainly.”

His grandmother never beat around the bush, always speaking what was on her mind and desiring the same from those around her. It sure as hell made it easier to not have to guess what was on her mind. “Okay, here it is. I’m not going back.” He heard her sharp intake of breath and kept going. “I have officially retired from military service. I’ve come back to Hope City to help you fix this house, help you find a place to live if you want, and make a new start for myself.”

“Well,” she said, leaning back in her chair.

Her gaze stayed pinned on him, and he fought the urge to squirm under her perusal. “So, uh… what do you think?”

She chuckled, squeezing his fingers. “I think I’m pleased to have you back home.” She rose from her chair, and with her cane, made her way to the sink before looking over her shoulder. “But I don’t want you to hover. I am still independent, although having you back home is a dream come true that I never thought would happen. Now, bring the glasses over. We have dishes to wash.”

Lying in bed that night,