The Hookup and the Hedonist - Rebecca James Page 0,2

of the side of an apartment building.

The apartment had come sparsely furnished, my room featuring a single bed, scratched dresser, and tiny nightstand. After setting my duffel on the bed, I peered into Mick’s slightly larger bedroom, which was strewn with clothes Mick had probably been trying on before work.

The hall bathroom sported a narrow shower with a glass door. Mick had placed a stack of mismatched towels on the sink.

“Looks like a nice enough place,” Tease said from behind me.

“Yeah. I like it.”

“Well, I better hit the road. We’re going to visit Leeza’s mom this afternoon.” Tease ruffled my hair.

I knocked his hand away. “Cut it out, asshole.”

Tease laughed, put me in a headlock, and gave me a noogie.

“Dammit, Tease! Fuck you, man.” I slapped his ass, and he let me go, still laughing.

“See you Sunday.” He waved and swaggered down the hall. I heard the door close.

“Bastard,” I mumbled, but I was smiling. I loved my club brothers like no one else, Tease in particular.

I began going through bathroom and kitchen cabinets, making a list of what was needed. The kitchen was to the front of the building, a counter with a couple of stools pushed under it separating the area from the living room. A small frosted window over the sink gave a distorted view of the street, and a stacked washer and dryer stood in a small closet in the corner.

Pulling out my phone from the pocket of my jeans, I texted Mick that I was settled and would have something made for dinner by the time he got home. Then I swallowed my pride and called for a ride, which in Henry was a family-owned driving service called The Horse and Buggy.


By the time I made it home from Walmart, I was exhausted. Going by how discombobulated I had felt when the driver announced we had arrived at my building, I was pretty sure I’d had a seizure in the back of the car. I hoped he hadn’t noticed because I’d be using their service a lot and didn’t want them to think I was weird.

After putting away the groceries, I sat on the old beige sofa, the rest of my purchases in bags at my feet. Thinking I’d just take a little rest before starting on dinner, I stretched out, only to be shaken awake what felt like moments later by Mick.

“Shit, what time is it?” I sat up and rubbed my eyes.

“Five-thirty.” Mick smiled at me, adjusting his dark-framed glasses on his nose. He’d showered and changed into jeans and a T-shirt, so he must have been home a while.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to fall asleep.” I stood, wobbling a little. Mick reached out to steady me, and once I had my equilibrium, I gently pulled away and went to the kitchen, switching on the stove and filling a pot with water to cook the noodles in.

“I really wanted to have dinner ready when you got home. Sorry.”

“No problem. I’m just glad you’re here. The last few nights have been…long.”

Mick had moved into the apartment a few days before. His bruises from the beating that had landed him in the hospital had faded, but deep shadows under his eyes told me he wasn’t resting well. If my presence gave him peace of mind, I was glad, but I privately wondered how effective I’d be as protection. I used to be able to more than hold my own in a fight, but since the attack, I wasn’t so sure. What if I had one of my stupid seizures and zoned out in the middle of it?

“Is that why Happy’s here?” I asked.

Mick blushed. “They couldn’t find him a home, and I caved because he really likes me.”

I smiled. “I don’t mind. He really has a filthy mouth, though.”

Mick chuckled. “For real.”

In his cage, Happy ruffled his feathers as though he knew we were talking about him.

Mick looked around at the bags. “Man, you bought a lot of stuff.”

“Yeah, well, I can afford it. I gave something each month to Blaze while I was living at the clubhouse, but other than that, I didn’t have many bills. This is a great place you found, by the way. I love it.”

Mick let out a breath like he’d been worried I wouldn’t like it. “It’s old, but that adds to its appeal, don’t you think?”

I agreed, taking fixings for a salad out of the fridge.

“Let me do that,” Mick said.

“Nah, you’ve gotta be tired after working all