His Terms - Jenika Snow Page 0,3

did was consenting—”

“So she did it to garner attention, like the rest of them, because they were pissed I didn’t want anything more than a few hours of fucking.”

Lawson cleared his throat, and Rian could picture the elderly man adjusting on his seat from what was probably a very uncomfortable conversation for him. Rian scrubbed a hand over his face.

“It’ll blow over like it always does.”

There was a knock on the door, and then Sorcha was pushing it open and walking in. She held his tablet that would have all of his pertinent information for the day loaded on it. He enjoyed actually looking at hard copies of what he was to do for the day, but it wasn’t because he was trying to make things harder for her. There were a lot of things that could go wrong with technology, and he was definitely old fashioned when it came to that aspect in his life.

“How do you want to proceed? We can fire back with a public statement—”

“No, let Miss Harrison have her day, and tell the media and public whatever the fuck she wants.”

“Rian, I would suggest we not proceed that way. I think we should make a formal announcement—”

“No.” He cut off Lawson again and kept his gaze trained right on his secretary. Sorcha set the tablet on the table in front of him, and they made eye contact briefly. “She can’t do much harm. Besides, it isn’t like a few women I fucked in the past haven’t told the public.” He stared right into Sorcha’s eyes as he said the words. Although he knew being so blunt about the women he had screwed right in front of her was a douche-bag thing to do, there was this side of him that liked getting a rise out of her.

Her eyes flared wide for a second, and then narrowed. She turned around and headed to the doors, and he zeroed in on her ass. Fucking hell, she wore that damn pencil skirt like it was a fucking second skin. He could even see the slight crease between the mounds every time she took a step.

She wasn’t like the stick-thin socialites he associated with, stuck his dick in, and dominated. No, Sorcha was a breed of woman all her own, and damn her for making him want her the way he did. Her ass was two round, big fleshy globes, and he curled his finger into his palms so he didn’t call her back over and get slapped with a sexual harassment claim.

Her hair was down today, and the onyx colored locks brushed her lower back. Her light amber colored eyes had been more expressive today, and when she glanced over her shoulder her gaze was filled with a hint of malice. Rian imagined her hair in his hand as he pulled her head back and made her throat arch for him. He’d be behind her, and she’d be on her hands and knees. His cock got hard. Fucking hell, did it get hard for her. He couldn’t remember the last time he had thought about a woman and gotten so damn stiff that he had to shift in his seat and adjust his dick just to relieve the fucking pressure.

She left and shut the door behind her, and he heard Lawson trying to get his attention.

“Rian, are you even listening to anything I’m saying?”


“Of course I am, Lawson.” He leaned back in his seat even more and reached between his legs to adjust himself. His cock was like a fucking lead pipe between his thighs, pressing against the material of his slacks, and all but roaring out to be relieved. “I don’t want to make an announcement, because in the end it really doesn’t matter. She’ll get her fifteen seconds of attention, and then she’ll have to move on like the rest.”

Lawson exhaled loudly, and the sound of a chair squeaking came through the receiver. “Okay, but do me a favor, and the next time you want to spank your partners have them sign a damn contract, Rian. This shit gives me a headache.”

Rian disconnected the call and sat there for a moment thinking over what Lawson had said. Of course Lawson hadn’t been serious about a contract, but more busting Rian’s balls because this had happened before, but honestly it wasn’t a bad idea. He turned in his seat and stared out the window.

The only problem was he wanted a woman that could give as good as