His Alien Slave (Alien Pirates of Cania #3) - Zara Zenia Page 0,1

tomorrow. She'd heard through the grapevine that was InstaChat and her best friend since grade school, Maria — who she met in the fourth grade class she'd been put in back when she'd been held back — that there was a Rave happening in a warehouse in Colorado Springs and she was determined to go.

She'd met Maria in English in the fourth grade when both of their dads had been stationed at Ft. Carson, but she was actually supposed to be in fourth grade, unlike Ellie. She and Maria had been inseparable for the four years Ellie's dad had been stationed there. But when both their father's had been given orders to go to a new base, Ellie's to Fort Benning and Maria's to Fort Hood, Maria's mom had split from her dad and they'd stayed in Colorado Springs. She and Maria had kept in touch throughout the years via Facebook, Messenger and InstaChat and when she'd gotten into the Academy, she and Maria had reconnected. It had been like no time had actually passed and they had connected easily. Meeting up whenever Maria's job or Ellie's class schedule would allow. However, it had been a long few months since she'd been able to go out partying with her best friend.

Before getting ready for a night of partying, she decided a workout was in order. It would help her limber up and relax. She'd recently fallen in love with Parkour and practiced her moves as often as she could, which meant mostly on the weekends, when she didn't have some Air Force Academy activity she had to participate in, which occurred more often than not.

Back in her dorm she changed into a pair of Spandex black leggings, a fitted, purple swirl, long sleeve sports top, a pair of fitted gloves and her tennis shoes. The leggings had a zipper pocket on the outer left thigh, and she slipped her room key, ID, and her debt card into it after locking her dorm room door. It was cold out as she headed to the Cadet East Gym first, to stretch, but once her muscles were warmed up, she escaped outside and began to run. She knew she'd be warm soon enough. She passed by the tennis courts, the basketball courts, and flickerball courts and down Cadet Drive.

She jumped, climbed, and flew over obstacles along the way, passing Subway, Domino's Pizza, Polaris Hall and Harmon Hall as she ran toward Chapel Drive. She was plenty warmed up now and didn't want to stop, so she made the loop on Chapel and headed back on the opposite side of the street, jumping back onto Cadet Drive, she passed a parking lot and the planetarium and turned back to the right toward the athletic courts, but before she reached them, she darted through the parking lot on her right directly in front of the bookstore, and traveled along the buildings there. She rounded the corner and headed toward and then past the post office and continued straight, passing Dunkin' and Fairchild Express, tagging Faculty Drive and turning toward Vandenberg Drive. She was starting to get worn out, but she knew she couldn't stop yet, so she followed Vandenberg Drive around the Parade Field and then headed back to the Cadet East Gym.

"Hey, Ellie, how was your run?" Calvin Morris, another cadet pilot asked as she stopped to grab a bottle of water from the vending machine.

Swallowing down half the bottle, she said, "Cold but not bad. Are you heading out?"

"Naw, just been working out in the gym. My flight home leaves in a few hours, but I wondered if you wanted to go out when we both get back after Christmas." He smiled.

Calvin was definitely her type, cocky, smart, and an ace in the air. He had rock hard abs, a killer body and a sparkle in his eyes that drew her attention, but he honestly did nothing for her libido. It was like he was her brother or something. Still, he'd be a fun date. "Okay sure, give me a call. I'll be back day after Christmas." If she even went at all. She was seriously considering backing out, maybe she could just forgo family Christmas and hop a flight to Tahiti? It'd certainly be more fun!

"Great." He gave her a wave and then headed toward the men's locker room.

Ellie still needed to cool down from her run, so she walked the inside track for a few minutes. Afterwards, she did some cool