Her Lord's Claim (The Forbidden Saga #4) - Maggie Ryan Page 0,3

and stepped closer to brush her lips across his cheek. “I will always remember your kindness to me.”

Charles closed his eyes for a brief moment as if understanding he was saying farewell to what might have been. “It has been my greatest pleasure. I fear your journey will be difficult at times, but I truly believe that Lord Huntington is the man you were born to be with,” he said, and she smiled, grateful that even when regretting his loss, he was as gracious, as kind a man as she’d ever met.

“Be happy, Miss Furniss,” he said, and then stepped back and gave Lucas a small bow. “Sir, you have captured her heart, and all I ask is that you remember what a rare gift that is. Take care of her.”

Lucas nodded and shook the man’s hand. “I promise I shall, Charles,” he said, solemnly.

Charles gave them both another nod and then turned and walked away. The couple watched as he accepted defeat with his quiet dignity. Lucy felt her eyes sting and prayed that her former professor would find his own mate, for he truly deserved nothing less. As she brushed a tear from her cheek, she became aware that with Charles’ departure, people were converging on them again.

“You’ve made me proud, little one,” Edward said as he wrapped her in his arms and bent to kiss her forehead. “Lucas is a lucky man.”

Lucy smiled and was soon exchanging his embrace for her twin’s. As the two laughed and hugged each other, Edward and Lucas pounded each other on their backs.

“I’m so very glad you found the proper prince,” Louisa said with a soft smile. “Lord Huntington was ready to give up his own happiness to allow you yours if you’d decided on Charles instead.”

Lucy looked at her sister and then at Lucas, emotion filling her as she wondered if that was what the look of deep sadness in Lucas’ eyes had meant. It might have been considered a noble act of selflessness on his part if he’d truly meant to walk away from her, but it would have devasted her completely.

“I’ll spend the rest of my life grateful that he didn’t,” she said and then listened as Edward finally stepped away from his friend.

“Well done,” Edward said. “Though it took you long enough and, I admit, there were a few moments when I feared you’d fail—”

“Only because I wasn’t willing to put my desires above Lucy’s,” Lucas said, looking over at her and giving her a smile that had her warming all over. “Thankfully, my little kitten remembered that sometimes, it’s best not to sheath her claws and refused to let me make the biggest mistake of my life.”

His words confirmed what Louisa had said and Lucy felt her sister’s arm tightening around her waist. “I could have lost him,” Lucy whispered softly as she felt a quiver in her belly at the thought of what might have happened if she’d not found the nerve to reach for what her entire being had told her must be claimed.

“But you didn’t.” Louisa gave her another hug and then a smile as she leaned closer to say, “Though there might be days when you wish you had.”

“Never!” Lucy said emphatically.

Louisa giggled and shook her head. “I’ll remind you of that the first time you realize that life as his wife won’t be all sunshine and roses.”

Lucy didn’t brush aside her sister’s comments as she’d already witnessed that those very roses had thorns that were capable of causing pain. But, looking over at the man she’d love every moment for the remainder of her life, she knew in her very soul that she’d made the only choice she could.

Edward had turned to take Louisa into his arms, the gesture serving to allow others to make their way forward to offer their congratulations and after watching her guardian and sister move away, it took Lucy a moment before she recognized that Pastor Reed was quickly approaching them. With a soft gasp, she unconsciously stepped closer to Lucas, her heart pounding, as Reed seemed to stare into her soul. Remembering that this man had asked for permission to court her, recalling his leer and his ugly words when she and Louisa had encountered him upstairs when he’d been about to administer a harsh paddling to Camilla, she couldn’t stop the shudder that ran through her. Without even a question as to the cause of her distress, she felt Lucas pull her close, silently