Hendrix - Kelsey Clayton Page 0,1

I hate all the stress she's under, but as much as I've tried to help, there isn't a lot I can do. I already cover all their medical expenses, and my brother seems to have an unlimited supply of bail money. The only other thing I could do is go home to physically help them, but my schedule simply won't allow it.

“Oh, I almost forgot to tell you,” she gasps. “Saige is going to be on Chats With Chastity tonight!”

The mention of my ex has me immediately confused. “The talk show? For what?”

“Apparently, she's dating some big-shot actor. Christopher something.”

Saige Ambrose, the only girlfriend I've had within the last decade, and the one girl my mom can’t seem to let go. Sure, I dated a lot in high school, but they were never anything serious. Most of them got annoyed with my workout schedule or my refusal to skip a practice. Not Saige, though. She stood in the stands during every single one, cheering me on.

I shake the memory from my mind. “That's great, Mom. I'm glad she's happy.”

She hums. “I still don't understand why you two broke up. She's such a sweet girl.”

My eyes roll practically into the back of my head. “It was six years ago. You have to let it go.”

“Well, maybe if you'd tell me, I would.”

Honestly, I can't. Not because I don't want to, but because she would fly to California just to smack me upside the head. My dad always instilled in me that I don't let anything keep me from my dream. My mom, however, always insisted that I don't put football above everything in my life, and that's exactly what I did with Saige.

“We just knew the distance thing wouldn't work.”

Okay so it's not exactly a lie, but not the truth either. Either way, she partially buys it.

“It would have been nice if you tried though,” she presses, her tone more wistful than argumentative. “At this point, I'm wondering if I'll ever get grandkids.”

Oh, Jesus Christ. “Wow, Ma. Look at the time. I've got to get going.”

“Why? Do you have a date?”

No, but that's not the worst idea. I'm sure there's someone in my phone I could get to come here tonight.

“If I say yes, will you let me get off the phone?”

She snickers. “You always were a bad liar.”

“Ay!” I huff, offended.

“I'll call you tomorrow after your dad's appointment.”

I nod, even though she can't see me. “Sounds good. Thanks. Tell him I said hi, and tell Madden to stop getting in so much damn trouble.”

A long exhale leaves her mouth. “We can dream, can't we?”

The two of us hang up, and I take a deep breath. I really need to find time to go home and see my dad—before it's too late.

I'M LYING ON MY couch, flicking through channels. As much as I considered fucking some nameless face into a mattress tonight, Asher wore my ass out today. Instead, I decided to chill at home. I just never expected it to be this boring.

The name of the talk show my mom mentioned earlier stares back at me from the guide. I know I should move on. Her life is none of my business—not after what I did to her—but I can't help but be curious.

I press a button, and the sight of my ex fills the screen. She looks good, but not at all how I remember. There's something about her that just seems to hit differently, though it could be the douchebag at her side.

Topher James is one of Hollywood's favorite actors, and a grade-A prick. I've had the displeasure of meeting him a couple times, and each time I've wanted to punch him right in the face. Saige deserves someone nice. Someone sweet. Someone like I was before I fucked it all to hell.


They say your time spent in university is supposed to be the best time of your life. You get new freedoms you didn't have at home. New friends. Unlimited parties. It's the ideal situation...to create an alcoholic and/or gain twenty pounds. When your only goal is using collegiate ball to get into the NFL, not so much. I've already spent two years in this place, and the only thing I've liked about it is football. Then again, that's probably not surprising at all.

I walk into my Wednesday morning class, wondering why I signed up for something this early when I know I have practice late on Tuesday nights, and there she is. Long, chestnut