Heart Beats (Joker's Sin #3) - Davidson King Page 0,3

vendors trying to sell me new pieces that were, in their words, top-of-the-line.

“So, um, I was wondering. If someone were starting out as a DJ, what equipment would you recommend they buy?” The guy’s nose wrinkled, and he pushed his glasses up. He seemed awkward and uncomfortable, and people were chuckling at his question. Sure, he might not seem like a DJ, but being a DJ didn’t mean you had to look like The Rock.

“Great question…What’s your name?” I gave him another smile, glad when my praise made the chuckling stop.

“My name? Oh, it’s Charles.”

“Well, Charles, being a DJ can be costly, so you want to be sure it’s for you. I’d recommend a starter kit of sorts. You can get a decent one online for a hundred bucks. If you want to push a little higher, go with maybe the Hercules DJ starter kit.”

Charles nodded his head, turned, and returned to his seat. He didn’t say thank you or anything, and he gave no indication as to whether my answer was helpful.

“Okay, then, next?” Silvia said, and I looked over to Toby and Shane. Shane was watching Charles as the guy sat a few rows behind him. Toby shrugged at me like the whole thing was odd.

The panel went on, and I answered the typical questions: They wanted to know my favorite band, song, album, and artist. I was asked about a girlfriend and a boyfriend. It was never-ending. All the other DJs were asked the same questions, and it made the panel seem more like a speed-dating event than anything.

When it was over, we all stood, waved at the fans, and walked offstage to the back room.

“My whole body tenses up when I hear someone say they got a question for me, ya feel me?” ZiggyJay asked me. I always liked him with his silver sprayed hair, outlandish glasses, and how he must rub gold flecks over his light-brown skin. He was real, too—he was probably the only DJ at this thing I would call a friend.

“Same. Sometimes I think we should answer questions and hand out the answers before these things, so people could read them and not ask us the same shit.” I handed Ziggy a bottled water from the ice bucket and grabbed another for myself.

“Thanks, man. Yeah, that’s not a bad idea.” He guzzled the water, and I did the same. “I’m gonna talk to my assistant about that.”

I smiled and turned when I heard my name. “Ledger, you did great!” Toby patted me on the shoulder.

“Thanks.” I looked over at Shane, who was eyeing the room and the people in it. “What did you think, Shane?”

“Me?” I loved how his voice jumped as if he were shocked I’d asked him. It was dorky and cute. “It was, well, intrusive?”

Ziggy, who was standing beside me, laughed. “You got that right.”

“I’m shocked they can ask those things. I mean, it’s rude.” Shane appeared genuinely upset. “I’d tell someone to fuck off if they asked me if I preferred briefs or boxers.”

“The glamorous life of fandom,” Ziggy exclaimed with a chuckle. “Talk to you all later. I’m going to my hotel room, taking a shower, and napping before the dinner tonight.”

“Dinner?” Shane asked as Ziggy left.

“Yeah, we have a dinner. No fans—just DJs and their assistants and such. Tomorrow is the signing, and then I’m done.” I watched every reaction on Shane’s face. I couldn’t figure out what he was thinking.

“Well, I gotta leave after the dinner,” Toby announced, and both Shane and I shot him a look. “What?”

“You said you were gonna be here to support me and shit!”

Toby rolled his fucking eyes at me. “I said you’d have Joker’s Sin support and…” he waved over at Shane. “He’s gonna be there for you tomorrow at your signing table.”

“I am?”

“He is?”

“Yep. Now, can we get out of here, please? I have to call Atlas, and that Trinity chick is staring you up like you’re Christmas dinner.” Toby gave Trinity a wave, which she returned.

“What a…” Shane didn’t finish, just took a breath. I also found that cute. What was wrong with me?

“See you all later,” I said as I left the room with Shane and Toby.

Security was really good at helping us get out of there and to the car. I wasn’t staying far away, and though they had the convention at a hotel, I didn’t want to stay at the same place as the con. I wanted to be away from it all so