Haven 4 AVOW - Sandra R Neeley Page 0,4

Remember, I have nothing to do with you choosing to dance in Vivian’s club this night,” Quin said conspiratorily.

“She will not know that I watch over her. I give you my word,” Lo’San promised.

Lo’San turned and left the Command Deck, but glanced back when he heard Quin scold Vivi’s shraler.

“Stay! Lie down, Kitty. You are not allowed at girls’ night either!” Quin insisted.

Kitty’s chest rumbled when Quin scolded him.

“Do not growl at me!” Quin ordered Kitty as the doors swooshed closed.

Lo’San smiled. Vivian had not only made plans without Quin, she’d made sure he understood he wasn’t invited, and left him to babysit her shraler. Then he thought of Sink Lar. He wasn’t sure he could stand by and watch Sink Lar dance with another male. It was a good thing he’d promised Quin that he’d pretend he was there for his own reasons. He might have to dance with Sink Lar to keep any others away from her. Now, if he only had someone to teach him to dance so he didn't look foolish…

Chapter 2

Lo’San hurried to the commissary, hoping to intercept Sink Lar. He knew his main objective was to watch over Sirena Vivian, but, Sink Lar was foremost in his mind. As he rushed through the hydraulic doors when they slid open, he paused briefly to look around the large room. A large number of their personnel were already seated and having their evening meal. But neither Sink Lar, nor Vivian was among them.

Satisfied that he must have beaten them to the commissary, Lo’San went through the line, chose his meal from all the different foods they had available, and sat near Vivian’s usual table at the far side of the room. He smiled to himself as he settled down to enjoy his meal, knowing that his evening would be spent with the female who’d stolen more of his attention than anyone else ever had. Lo’San paused for a moment and thought about it, before shaking his head in disbelief. Sink Lar wasn’t just the woman who’d taken more of his attention than any other, she was the only woman who’d ever taken his attention. He’d never given any female a passing thought, regardless of who they were, or what they offered. He’d even run far and fast from his home planet the moment he was chosen by a noblewoman to be one among her husbands. He’d thought it was because he wasn’t meant for mating. Soldiering was all he’d ever felt called to, but he’d been wrong. That female simply wasn’t for him. And further, since finding the one who was, he’d determined he would not share his female, and she would not share him. That went against everything in the society he grew up in. But it didn’t matter. All that did matter was guiding Sink Lar to claim him, if she thought of him that way.

He just didn’t know how to do it, other than presenting himself for claiming and then waiting for her to do it. He’d thought he’d done so, but, apparently, he’d not been clear enough. He thought of Sink Lar, the sparkles in her hair, the bright blue of her eyes. Two things filled his consciousness, always. His duty as General of Command Warship 1, and Sink Lar. His duty he saw to every day, and Sink Lar he thought of every moment that he wasn’t seeing to his duties. He thought about that… no, that was not true. He thought about her even when he was performing his duties. He wanted her to think about him as he thought about her - incessantly. He wanted her to put him first in all things — as he’d begun to do for her. He wanted her to crave his company — as he craved hers, and he wanted her to need him as he’d begun to need her. He looked down at his plate and realized he’d finished his food, and hadn’t even noticed. His heart rate had risen with his anxiousness and he made a conscious effort to calm it. He was beyond excited about speaking with Sink Lar and letting her know he was ready for her to claim him. Then he’d have to have the conversation about her not claiming any other but him, and him not accepting any but her. Hopefully, she’d agree. They’d sought each other out to share company several times, but their flirtation had never moved beyond that — just a flirtation. Tonight though,