Haven 4 AVOW - Sandra R Neeley Page 0,2

commissary. “At least we should have a decent night. I told Quin that he’s not allowed to come find me, send for me, or do anything that would interrupt my time with my friends.”

“You think he’s going to listen?” Elisha asked.

“Yes. Zahn and Rel are just over there, acting like they’re not watching. If he was coming, they’d not be on duty.”

“Are they on duty?” Synclare asked.

“Yep. They can pretend all they want, but I know they’re overseeing my safety,” Vivian said confidently. “I gave them the night off, but I’m sure Quin sent them.”

“I told Ba Re’ that if I saw him following me tonight, I’d ignore him for a full month,” Elisha said, laughing.

“You’re both lucky to have males that are concerned for your safety, crave your attention and want your company,” Synclare chided gently with a chuckle.

“These Cruestaci are a bit controlling,” Elisha said. “No matter what I plan to do, Ba Re’ is trying to convince me to stay in our quarters. If I go out anyway, he’s constantly checking in on me, what I’m doing, or who I’m with. He seemed to support me wanting to further my career but now I’m not so sure.”

“He will. He’s a good male. He’s just a little more stubborn than most,” Vivi said. “And they all mean well,” Vivian said. “In my case I know that I have to be alert and protected at all times, even on the ship. But, since we’ve downgraded the ship’s status to a diplomatic envoy from a battle vessel, there is always someone aboard that does not live here regularly. So, I do understand their desire for all the security, and for me because of my position, but sometimes I just want a break from it all. I just want to be Vivian, you know? Leaving the Sirena part behind for a bit.”

“I can imagine the stress,” Elisha said. “It must be very trying.”

“It is. But you get used to it,” Vivian said, shrugging, “I just need a little break once in a while. But, that’s going to happen more now that the two of you are here full time. It’s nice to have friends again.”

“Yes, it is, but you’d be lost without Quin,” Synclare said.

“Yeah. I would. I don’t even want to consider not having Quin at my side. He’s everything that keeps me steady and strong now. Makes me feel safe,” she admitted in a soft voice. “Lets me know I’m loved.”

Synclare nodded and reached out a hand, laying it on Vivian’s shoulder. She and Vivian had similar stories, something that Elisha would never understand even if they’d explained it all to her. Elisha had worked her way through the ranks and was now employed by the Cruestaci as a translator and liaison for visiting dignitaries, or was at least training to be. She’d never been exposed to the abuse both Synclare and Vivian had survived.

“We’re going to have fun tonight,” Synclare said, returning the conversation to their evening plans and yanking Vivian into the here and now.

“Yes, we are!” Vivian seconded. “Let’s hurry up and eat so we can get over to the club. I want to dance until I can’t move!”


The doors on the Command Deck swooshed open and General Lo’San stepped through.

“Sire?” he asked, walking toward Quin who sat in the command chair, looking at the tablet in his hand. Lo’San grinned when Kitty went from a lying position at the side of Quin’s chair to sitting up anxiously to see who’d stepped onto the deck. Quin had waved the shraler back to the floor and ordered him to lie down.

“Lo’San,” Quin said, looking up at Lo’San’s arrival.

“You requested that I join you?” Lo’San asked.

“Yes. I need you to trail Vivi tonight,” Quin said irritatedly.

“Trail Sirena Vivian?” Lo’San asked.


“Does she not have her guard with her?” Lo’San asked, not understanding Quin’s request at all.

“She does. But, she’s been known to slip away from them,” Quin replied.

“Where is she going that she needs to be watched over?” Lo’San asked.

“Girls’ night,” Quin said, his nose scrunching up with the term.

“Girls’ night? What is girls’ night?” Lo’San asked.

“It is a night that human females look forward to, on which they leave their males at home, forbidden to accompany them and unable to protect their females from any who might wish them ill.”

“And it is a night used for…?” Lo’San asked.

“I know not. Except that it involves dancing, and imbibing of behavior altering beverages, and ordering their males to stay far