Hate to Date You (Dating #4) - Monica Murphy Page 0,1

things happened in that bathroom, but I’m not one to kiss and tell. After dinner was finished and we all went our separate ways, Carter followed me back to my apartment that I share with his freaking sister. Caroline went to Alex’s, so I knew we were in the clear.

Yes. I had sex with Carter Abbott all night long. Multiple times. This means multiple orgasms happened too, and guys.

It was amazing.

Then that asshole snuck out while I was sleeping and I haven’t seen him since! No text, no note on the pillow or lipstick on the mirror saying had a great time, TTYL.


What a jerk, right?

I’m staring that jerk square in the eye at this very moment, and rage fills me. Worse, lust also fills me, and I hate that I’m still so attracted to him.

And by the way he’s looking at me, I’m thinking the feeling is mutual.


I’m in trouble.


“Stella! Oh my God, I’m so glad you’re working this afternoon!” Caroline’s face pops up right in front of me and I blink at her in surprise, momentarily frozen. I was so entranced with her stupidly hot brother that I didn’t even see her slip inside the building.

“Caroline. Hey.” I smile, going for casual. Hoping it works. I’m shaking. My entire body is trembling just from looking at Carter, and that is scary stuff. I hate that I have such a visceral reaction to him every single time we’re in the same room together. “What are you doing here this afternoon?”

“Meeting with Carter!” She waves a hand toward her brother, her smile never faltering, though mine does. I can feel it. I might even be scowling. “He’s back! I’m so excited! Isn’t that great?”

She is speaking in exclamation points, which is something Caroline does when she’s super happy. She’s been super happy for quite a while now, and I know it’s mostly thanks to her fiancé, Alex. They’re getting married later this summer—meaning the wedding is happening soon. Isn’t it wonderful? I’m so happy for them. I’m the maid of honor, of course. I’ve already tried on my dress, and thank God it’s not one of those typical hideous bridesmaid dresses. Caroline has excellent taste.

Worry seizes me, and I frown. What if Carter is the best man? Oh hell no. I will not walk down the aisle on his arm. No way. Nooooo wayyyyy…

“I hate to ask you this, since it’s so busy in here right now but…can you make us a couple of drinks real quick? So we don’t have to stand in line?” Caroline wrinkles her nose. Tilts her head. Puts on the sad puppy dog act. “Please?”

For her, I would do anything. For that asshole she’s related to, I’d rather make him a nice big cup of sewer water.

But I can’t. I have to play nice for my best friend, and that means treating Carter well.

“Sure.” My smile is brilliant and I let my gaze drift so it meets Carter’s, who’s watching me very carefully. He’s lurking a few feet behind her, as if he’s afraid to get too close, and I’m thinking he’s smarter than I first gave him credit. “What do you guys want?”

“Iced caramel macchiato for me, please. Nonfat milk, you know the drill. Carter?” Caroline turns to speak to her brother. “Get over here. Stella wants to know your drink order.”

He makes his way to the counter very slowly. Cautiously. Like I’m a wild animal who will snap his pretty head off with one bite. I wish I could. That would be immensely satisfying. “I’ll have whatever you’re having,” he tells Caroline, not bothering to look at me, the jerk.

His deep voice is just as delicious as I remember. And he’s just as attractive as I remember too. I mean, no surprise, right? Of course his voice is still sexy. Of course he’s still gorgeous.

I hate him.

“I didn’t think you liked macchiatos.” Caroline frowns at Carter, and he frowns right back. “Too much milk, remember?” Want to know a fun fact? When we were younger, these two didn’t get along. At all. It remained the same right into adulthood.

But somehow over the course of their relationship, Alex has convinced Caroline that family is everything, and while I’m a big believer in that sentiment and come from a very close family myself, I feel like having Carter here will be an enormous pain in my ass and could possibly push Caroline and me apart.

Yes, I’m that petty. So sue me.

“Are you lactose intolerant?” I