Hard to Fight - Bella Jewel Page 0,4

my head, sad for her. “So the man knows how to use his bits. It doesn’t make him prince charming.”

She giggles softly and looks up at me. I smile down at her, and continue. “You know, men like him are cruel, heartless players because they don’t know how to connect with another human being, except physically. It’s somewhat of a disorder. Perhaps he was dropped on his head as a young child, or perhaps his penis is severely undersized and he was forced to get a penis enhancement due to many sexual let downs…”

I stop rambling, because the girl has stopped talking and her face has turned red. She’s looking over my shoulder and I grit my teeth.

“He’s right behind me, isn’t he?”

She nods slowly, and I turn, standing.

I actually lose my footing when I set my sights on the man who broke her heart. Holy mother of God! He’s breathtaking. I make a little squeaking sound, steadying my footing as I take in Hercules in front of me. I don’t say this lightly, the man is massive. He’s six foot of solid, thick muscle. His face is that of a dark devil and he’s got these eyes, these amber eyes that are absolutely mind-blowing.

His dark hair looks as though he’s done no more than run his fingers through it. It curls down around the base of his neck in waves, and parts of it flop over his forehead. He’s extremely masculine, the beautiful kind. He’s got a jagged scar on his left cheek, but it only seems to add to his edge. His lips are full, his nose just slightly bent as if he’s been in one too many fights. He’s also got this dangerous five o’clock shadow lining his perfectly sculpted jaw and cheeks.

Once again, none of this takes away from his perfection.

I’d be crying if this man dumped me, too.

“Ah,” I say, smiling sheepishly.

“I wasn’t dropped on my head,” he says in a low, husky tone. Oh boy, he’s got a light accent, I don’t know what it is, but it’s hot.

“Ah,” I try again, but he keeps going.

“And I haven’t,” he rasps, leaning in close. “Had a penis enlargement.”


“It’s that big all on its own.”

My mouth drops open and my eyes widen with shock. Did he just? No, surely I didn’t hear him say that, to a complete stranger? Well, so much for being a gorgeous man. He just went from sexy to jerk in about three point five seconds. Okay, he’s still sexy.

“And for your information, lady,” he growls, so low and throaty I have to force myself to stay upright. “I know how to use it.”


Mega jerk.

It takes me a moment to find my sass, because really, it’s just crawled into its shell and hidden from this handsome destructive male in front of me. It comes back though, like it always does.

“What makes you so sure of that? I mean, if you used it well then I’d see no reason for this poor girl behind me to be on the floor sobbing because her vagina is in despair.”

His lips twitch.

“Or,” he says, stepping forward into my space. “It could be because she’s so devastated she’ll never get another taste.”

Oh wow, up close he’s even better. His skin slightly rougher, his hair a touch messier. Yum.

“What makes you so sure she wants another taste?” I challenge.

“Because they all do.”


“I wouldn’t.”

His lip twitches again and in the corner of my eye, I see the blonde girl stand, straightening herself out. “I’m sorry. I didn’t say anything and–”

“Inside, Bethany,” he orders, not taking his eyes from me.

“But, she just came up and … I swear … I don’t even like her–”

I gasp. She just stomped on girl code. You don’t backstab someone trying to help you. I hope she gets crabs.

“Bethany, inside,” he orders again.

Crossing her arms and pouting, she disappears inside.

“Now that,” I say, waving my hand casually at the door. “Wasn’t a very nice girl. I can see why you dumped her.”

He snorts and I turn back to him, studying his hard features.

“You know,” he murmurs, low. “You should be more careful who you mouth off to.”

“Why?” I snap, putting a hand on my hip. “Are you going to attack me with your sword?”

I nod at his crotch and his face lightens just slightly. He’s got a hard face; I imagine even if he smiled, he would never look carefree. This man has demons, all men with faces like his do.

“Why is it,” he says