Hard Edge - Tess Oliver Page 0,4

last time we spoke, I figured I’d made the right decision to ignore the call.

“How were the waves?” Mindy asked as she came out of the bedroom.

“Flat. Should have stayed in bed where things were anything but flat.” I leaned against the kitchen counter and watched, with keen interest, as Mindy sashayed into the kitchen wearing only her watch and diamond stud earrings.

She pressed her hand against her stomach. “I’m starved.” She went straight to the refrigerator and opened it. “Do you have anything but beer in here?”

She held the door open and stared inside. I took my time gazing at her very bitable ass as she shifted from bare foot to bare foot on the cold tile floor. “How about some yogurt?”

“Yogurt? Yeah, right. I think it’s on the bottom shelf behind the six packs.”

She leaned down lower, jutting her perfectly sculpted, bathing suit model ass up higher, causing my cock to push higher along with it.

“I think you have to lean down lower because it’s way in the back.” I was a damn fiend, but I was having a good time with it.

Mindy was leaning so far into the refrigerator, I could see every inch of her. I couldn’t hold back a groan.

She straightened with a gasp. Her long, brown hair swept around as she spun toward me trying to look shocked and angry. “You pervert.”

I held out my arms. “Guilty as charged. You didn’t actually think I’d have yogurt in my fridge?”

“Real men eat yogurt . . . sometimes.”

“Probably. But not this real man.”

She exaggerated the sway of her hips as she walked toward me and pressed her naked body against mine. “You are a scoundrel. Of course, as you know, I only hang around you because you are so fucking good in bed.” She kissed me. My cock pressed against the fly of my still damp board shorts.

“When do you leave for the photo shoot?” I ran my palm over her naked back and stopped on her ass.

“I’ve got to be at the airport by noon.” She ran her fingers along my chest. “I don’t know why you decided to come here instead of flying to Paris with me. We could have a lot of fun.”

Mindy and I had dated seriously for a few months, after my years in the army and just before my budding career in MotoGP came to a crashing, bone-busting end. She’d moved on with her modeling career and other men, while I recuperated from a gnarly broken femur. Her last boyfriend had proved such an asshole, she’d come back to me, hoping for a friends with benefits type of relationship. I was all for it. Neither of us had ever been good at the tied down to one person thing. The new arrangement was working out just fine. Now we met up whenever we had time just to hang out and fuck. Mostly fuck.

“I have no doubt that you and I would have a blast in Paris, but the California coast was calling to me, and my surfboard was getting bored. Besides, later this week, I’m heading up to Mayfair to meet up with Grady. He’s driving down from Wisconsin. Haven’t seen him in six months. After we put in our required time with the parents, we’re going to head back here for some serious surfing, beer drinking and bikini watching. Then I’ve got to get serious about finding work and a permanent place to stay. I’ve almost blown through the money I earned racing.”

“Ooh, a permanent place to stay— that sounds so unlike you. I guess it’s good I’m leaving. I don’t want to get in the way of your ‘boys of summer’ fun.” She squirmed out of my arms and headed for the coffee pot. “Now, Grady is your stepbrother, right?”

“No, that’s Jack. Jack is Walt’s son. Grady is my half-brother.”

“Right. You share a dad, and you grew up on the same block, but not in the same house.” She laughed and put her coffee on the counter before once again pressing herself into my arms. “No wonder you’re such a basket case.”

“Yep, I’ve got plenty of shit to unload on a shrink if I ever feel the need to see one.”

My phone buzzed on the counter behind me. I glanced back at the text. It was from my mom telling me to call her. I turned back to Mindy, kissed her and gave her a quick spank. “I’ve got to call my mom. Apparently she’s anxious