Hammered (Blue Bay Crew #3)- Cathryn Fox Page 0,3

about settling down and marriage, but I swallow it, not wanting another inquisition from Jared…or Sean. They’d never in a million years believe I was getting played out.

“I’m taking you off the Sanderson place,” Sean says to Jared when I sit back down at the table.

“Yeah, why?”

“Just returned from a meeting and I need you to erect sets for the movie.”

Jared grins. “That should be fun, especially if I get to hang around Haven.” He shakes his hand like it’s on fire. “That girl is hot.”

A fierce tug of possessiveness races through me and I try to hide it. Haven is nothing to me. We shared a joke of a kiss. If my brother wants to hit on her, no fucking problem—as long as it’s through my dead body.

What the hell am I saying?

“Even prettier in person, don’t you think, Ty?” Jared adds.

“Yeah, I guess.” I give a nonchalant shrug, but these two assholes can read me far too well.

I drink my beer and try to ignore my annoying brother, but he continues with, “Maybe I’ll build a nice cozy bed on set. You know for after the shoot.” He arches his brow and I work to keep my temper in check.

“You don’t have a problem with that do you, Tyler?” Jared asks.

I shrug. “Why would I?”

“You have something you want to say, Tyler?” Sean asks, and tips his bottle to his lips.

I go back to peeling the label on my bottle. “Nope.”

“Good, I’m reassigning you, too.”

I’m about to protest—I don’t want to work on some dumb-ass movie set that will get torn down when it’s no longer needed—but can’t bring myself to do it. Oh, and why is that? Because there is more going on with Haven than she’s admitting, and I have this strange, innate need to watch over her, and keep my brother far away.

And no, it has nothing at all to do with my cock wanting her. I mean, come on, just five minutes ago I said I was played out, and this is a woman with a reputation for falling for her leading men. But that fucking kiss. My stupid dick twitches, and if the bastard could speak, he’d call me out so fast my head would spin—the one on my shoulders. Okay so yeah, maybe I do want her, but I am also worried about her safety. I’m kind of a nice guy like that.

“Fine,” I grumble.

“Have you heard?” Sean asks.

I eye my brother. “Heard what?”

“Grandma Nellie is housing a couple of the cast.”

My head snaps up. “Why the hell did she do that?”

He shrugs. “Hotels and cottages are all booked, and you know Gram, that’s what she does. She’s never met a stranger.”

“Do you think Haven is staying at the house?” Jared asks, and jumps to his feet.

“I’m not sure,” Sean says.

He arches his brow again, the brunette he’d been eyeing earlier no longer his focus. “Maybe I’d better go check.”

I put my hand on his shoulder and push him back into his seat. “Sit down, little brother.”

Jared laughs. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.”



Stars twinkle in the velvety sky overhead, and crickets chirp in the nearby fields as I hurry down the long, dark road and try to put that awkward encounter at the Winchester behind me—not an easy task when my lips are still tingling from the atomic kiss. Who the hell kisses a stranger with a passion so off the charts it’s a wonder we didn’t blow the place up? Cripes, I can’t even imagine what his kisses would be like if he meant them, and don’t even get me started on the way my body is still responding, right around the juncture of my legs.

With trees hugging either side of the winding road, I round the corner to find a big old homestead rising up in the distance. The swing on the wide expanse of porch, along with the welcome sign above the door instantly puts this out-of-tower at ease. Everything about the place exudes warmth and contentment—a happy family—and I smile as I let it wrap around me like a comforting hug.

I grew up in California, and both my parents are managers in the movie industry. My older brother Rock—his stage name, of course—and I definitely didn’t have what I’d call a normal upbringing. Heck, I’d been starring in commercials since I was four months old and schooled every afternoon on the set. Rock acted right along with me, until my parents discovered his fighting skills, and redirected his