Hacker Wedding (White Hat Security #9) - Linzi Baxter Page 0,4

Maybe you should call Antonio and tell him not to get on the plane because Kat might bring the alligator to bury the evidence.”

I ignored that comment. “She’s had enough to worry about for the past few years. Knowing her dad was connecting with his kids isn’t something she should have to deal with.”

“I haven’t looked at the file in a while. How many did you find?”

“Five. I’m sure King Beckett has kept a few key people from me also. I’m not sure why and haven’t had the time to dig into it deeper. My one concern was him inviting her siblings to the wedding. Patty doesn’t need to find out about them that way. But he promised that wouldn’t happen. When or if Patty and Jessica want to meet them, they can.”

“Are you going to tell Patty about them before the wedding so she can make the decision if she wants them there?”

“I haven’t decided when I’m going to tell Patty.”

My future wife used that exact moment to walk into the office, her gray eyes glaring in my direction. I was fucked and not in the way I wanted to be—even though the second she walked in the door, my dick hardened.

“Fuck,” I grumbled into the phone.

“She walked in?”


Deep, rich laughter floated through the phone. “See you soon. Don’t worry about calling Antonio. I’ll take care of everything.”

Patty sat down in the chair in front of my desk. She wore a light-pink fitted dress. Her blond hair hung over her shoulders. Patty hadn’t dyed it a funky color since giving birth to our precious little girl.

“Haven’t told me what?” she asked.

I dodged the question. “How’s my little girl?” I asked, knowing Patty would have stopped by the nanny before coming to my office.

“Don’t distract me with our little girl.”

“How was your meeting?” I asked, knowing she had just finished a meeting with the chair of the environmental community, a group she’d put together to oversee the mines.

She narrowed her eyes. “Fine. Who were you talking to?”

“Brock. Everyone is going to come a week early.”

“Why won’t you tell me what’s going on, Sam? If you and my father expect me to run this country, I need to know everything. These meetings behind closed doors need to stop.”

“I’m not trying to keep you out of the loop.”

“Then when were you going to tell me about the missing women and girls?” She pushed up her black-rimmed glasses. The fact that she hadn’t given me a kiss told me she’d been pissed before she even walked in. But it was more than anger directed at me—she was hurt.

Because I’m fucking hiding things.

“Come here, Pixie,” I said.

She studied me for a second before walking across my office. I pulled her onto my lap and pressed a kiss to her lips. “That’s more like it.”

“I’m still mad at you,” she murmured against my lips.

“You have enough to worry about. I’m taking care of it. Brock and Antonio are coming early along with your sister.”

I never wanted to hurt Patty. She was the star in my dark world. Given what she’d been through the last five years, I knew the kidnappings would weigh heavily on her shoulders, and I didn’t want her to have to deal with more stress. I had a feeling she was also keeping a secret from me, but I didn’t press her about it. I was waiting for her to tell me. I rested my hand on her flat belly, which wouldn’t be flat much longer.

“When are they getting in?” she asked.

“Friday night. Maybe we can take a few days to ourselves before everyone gets here.”

“I’d like that.” She was opening her mouth to say something else when a loud knock sounded on my office door. Patty tried to stand, but I kept my arm wrapped around her waist so she couldn’t. She didn’t fight me.

Wes stepped into the office, and he looked at Patty. “Sorry, there’s an issue with Kinley.”

I glanced at the screen. The playroom was empty. My heart beat a million miles a minute. I needed to find my daughter.



“Explain how Kinley got hold of the glitter again,” Sam said.

I winced, knowing her latest infraction was totally my fault. I’d bought Kinley a mixture of glitter bottles when we went to the craft store after watching a YouTube video on how to make a glitter bomb. But she wasn’t supposed to take them to daycare.

The nanny glared back at Sam. I bit my cheeks, trying to stop myself from