Gracie - Sherry Foster Page 0,3

don’t have to hide shit from me. I know you have to let your wolf out so he doesn’t go crazy. I get it. Well, no, I don’t. But the fact is, I can and will help you hide what you are and we can get this mission wrapped up and you, well they want you home.” Jeffery told him.

Hendrix drew back, his face contorted with disbelief, “No. If they wanted me home, they would send word.”

“What the hell do you think I am? Chopped liver? No, don’t even think about me being chopped liver. Landel would not be happy if you ate me.”

“Are you insane? Why would I eat you? I don’t even like liver. My wolf doesn’t like liver.”

“Really? That ain't’ normal. I am certain all wolves like liver.” Jeffery paused for a moment, forehead wrinkled in thought before continuing. “As far as being insane I prefer to think of it as a drug induced coma that I may one day wake from. Now assuming this life is my new reality I prefer it go well. So you need to work with me here.”

“How in the hell would you know what was normal for us. Look, Jeffery, I don’t need a partner.”

“Oh, shit, you killed the one you had already didn’t you? They told me it was a possibility since he is human and not in the know but I was hoping you would send him back to the organization instead”

“Are you high?”

“You know, I have frequently wondered if I was drugged since the day Samson took his clothes off in front of me and shifted to something that was not human. I even asked him, multiple times, if he drugged me. Like I said, I prefer to go with drug induced coma over high or drunk. Work with me here. After the roller coaster ride I have been on these last few weeks with your kind, if I am being drugged, don’t let them quit. My life has never been so interesting or so frightening as it has been since Samson recruited me to help him get his mate. Now, are you going to send your partner to the airport or not? I have all the paperwork and the sooner he leaves the sooner I can fill you in on everything going on back in the States. Unless—he is still alive, right?”

“Look, Jeffery, I have nothing against you, other than you being human, but I left home for a reason. That reason hasn’t changed and Gammon knows it. Before you ask, no, it isn’t any of your business. My job is a hell of a lot more important to me than what ever drama is going on back home. And don’t tell me there isn’t drama. If it was important Gammon would have called me home. That he sent someone, not just someone but a human, tells me whatever is going on back home has my Alpha pissed, aggravated, and probably ready to start taking off a few heads. I don’t doubt he is ready to start with the council and work his way down until the problem goes away. Unless it involves kidnapped females or very young males, I don’t care. Simple as that.” Hendrix turned away again and started walking back to the house. Jeffery’s words stopped him short.

“Well, you could say it involves kidnapped females. Seems your people finally got to the bottom of the problem with the missing females and found who is behind taking them and why there are so few. In a manner of speaking.”

Hendrix’ shoulders tensed up and his hands clenched into fist. A moment later he was again headed for the door, Jeffery on his heels. As he stormed in the small house calling to his partner Jeffery shrugged his shoulders and reached into his pocket for the paperwork Landel had sent with him. The paperwork that would put Kelvin back on a plane to the States.

Chapter Four

Jeffery looked around the small living space. The house he shared with Hendrix was slightly larger than the house he and Samson had used for their last mission. The last two weeks he had gained some insight into his new partner and how he operated. He shuddered for a moment as he remembered watching Hendrix change for the first time. He knew, from brief encounters with the man in the past, how aloof, cold and deadly Hendrix could be and he was almost nervous about sharing a house with someone who wouldn’t