The Governess Gambit - Erica Ridley Page 0,3

in gainful employment, such as that of governess, which is very respectable.”

“It would be,” Dot agreed. “If it happened.”

Mrs. Pine’s mouth tightened. “Dot says none of the girls in the ‘special program’ have any contact with the other students, other than to cook their meals, wash their clothes and dishes, and empty their chamber pots. They work all day, with little time to do more than sleep on hard pallets and begin the day all over again. Dot’s tuition was paid in advance from now until she reaches her majority.”

“I assume they couldn’t contact their families,” Bean said quietly.

Dot’s lower lip wobbled. “We haven’t pen or paper, nor time to use them even if we did. Some who’ve lived there since they were small can scarcely read or write. We’re kept in the attic, except when we’re working. And always under Miss Spranklin’s watchful eye.”

“Heaven forgive me, I thought Miss Spranklin was nice.” Mrs. Pine’s voice cracked. “She visited the orphanage last year, and ended up taking a young girl named Agnes home with her. I thought... I thought it was a fairytale. Like Chloe and Thomasina, Agnes was kind and clever. I thought she’d make a brilliant governess.”

“Agnes makes porridge and boiled vegetables,” Dot said. “She’s in the kitchen before dawn and cannot sleep until the last dish is clean.”

“I put her there,” Mrs. Pine whispered, her face pale and her eyes tortured. “I signed the papers and let her go with nothing more than a smile and a wave.”

“You didn’t know,” Chloe said softly. “From the sound of it, no one knows but Miss Spranklin and the girls themselves.”

She could still remember the wretched indecision she’d felt when Bean had offered to give her a home. He was rich and titled. Even at ten years old, it had sounded too good to be true. The only adult who had ever treated Chloe with compassion was Mrs. Pine. It was thanks to her encouragement that Tommy and Chloe were now safe and comfortable and part of a big, loving family.

Bean’s forehead lined. “Perhaps this ‘school’ is a ruse that allows Miss Spranklin to collect money as well as unpaid servants. Particularly if she specializes in ‘teaching’ children who aren’t expected to ever return home.”

Mrs. Pine twisted her hands. “Dot’s foster family must have thought they were providing for her. They could rest easy, confident they’d left her better off than how she’d started.”

“I’d rather live in the orphanage with you than go back to Miss Spranklin,” Dot said.

Mrs. Pine took the girl’s hand and squeezed. “You and Agnes were my favorites and I could scarcely bear to part with you, but I thought... if you could have a home like Chloe and Thomasina had found... It had seemed like a miracle then, and I wanted you to have a miracle, too.”

Chloe’s heart twisted. She hated to think that her good fortune had led to Agnes and Dot’s misfortune. She wished every orphan could find a Bean. Instead, Dot and the other girls had been saddled with Miss Spranklin, who seemed to feel orphans were tools to be used, not children to be loved.

“You’re not going back,” Chloe assured Dot. “First thing in the morning, Baron Vanderbean can file charges of—” Absolutely nothing. Chloe winced. “I see your point. We have no legal standing. Miss Spranklin was paid to take custody of Dot.”

Mrs. Pine nodded unhappily. “The courts can’t help us. I went to Bow Street and pleaded with the magistrate, all to no avail. They’ll do nothing without proof of wrongdoing, and I have no evidence that laws have been broken. Chores are legal. Boarding schools are legal. Workhouses are legal. I’m just an old fool. They told me not to bother them again.”

“She said we’d go to gaol if we ran away.” Dot’s eyes were wide. “I did it anyway.”

“You’re not going to gaol.” Mrs. Pine turned back to the Wynchesters and grimaced. “The contract I signed for Agnes was similar to an apprenticeship. It’s legally binding.”

“Dot is back in the orphanage?” Chloe asked.

“Not with the other children,” Mrs. Pine answered. “She stays in my small office whilst I’m working, and then sleeps in my room with me. I know it’s not ideal... If Miss Spranklin were to return, and happened to spy her...”

“Dot can stay with us,” Chloe said without hesitation. She didn’t need to ask Bean and her siblings to know they would happily open their home and their hearts. “We’ve plenty of guest rooms and—”
