A Golden Opportunity - Amy Sumida Page 0,4

you can't get in without an escort.

But I didn't live in the Washington D.C. Supemarket anymore. I lived in Woodley Park, a prestigious neighborhood just outside downtown D.C. and only twenty minutes from the Supemarket. Which meant that the rest of the team shouldn't mind making the trip. Especially since my friends in F.E.A.R. loved my new home and its endless supply of good liquor. The last bit is thanks to my foster father, Landry, who owns a bar in the Supemarket called the Wilds. We used to meet there, but I'd prefer to have our meetings at my place and not have to worry Landry with my missions.

“Yes, of course,” I said to Alex.

“Good, because we're already on our way. See you soon, Spectra.”

I grimaced as I hung up the phone. Spectra was my codename, but Davorin, another member of F.E.A.R., liked to think of our codenames as superhero names, making us superheroes instead of government agents. I was beginning to get comfortable with the idea of using my talents to help people, but the name still made me inwardly cringe.

I slid my phone back into my purse and took them into the living room with me, setting the black Birkin carefully on a side table before I sank back onto the couch. “The team is coming.”

“How bad is it?” Malik asked as he straightened.

“I don't know yet. You know how Alex is, he likes to wait until we're all together before he drops the bomb.”

“Maybe it will be something fast and easy this time,” Kyrian suggested.

“Speaking of fast and easy,” Malik muttered as he pulled out his cellphone.

“Who are you calling?” Kyrian asked.

“The freaky Faulin. He'll want to be here for this.”

Chapter Three

The freaky Faulin was, of course, my husband, Cyprian Alexander, Master of the D.C. community of Faulin and owner of Dirty Nothings, a private sex club downtown. Yes, he was a bit kinky, but that's rather unavoidable when you're a Faulin. Cyprian had opened Dirty Nothings to provide his people with a way to feed on lust without hurting humans. It was brilliant, in my opinion. And I happened to enjoy all of my husband's kinks.

“Hello, darling,” I purred as I hugged my beautiful Faulin.

“Se Esaria,” Cyprian whispered in my ear, his voice like warm honey. He nipped my earlobe before stepping back.

Cyprian lived with us, but he still had to rule his people and run his business. So, he'd been at work when Malik called. Still, it had taken him less than fifteen minutes to get home. He had arrived just after the rest of the team. Technically, neither Everan nor Cyprian was a member of F.E.A.R., but they both helped on occasion, Cyprian more often than Ever. In Everan's defense, running a kingdom takes a bit more work than running a business.

Cyprian settled on the couch beside me, slipping one leanly muscled arm around my shoulders. He had changed out of his work clothes before he came, thank goodness. Business attire for Cyprian tended to include leather and sheer fabrics. At the moment, he wore a pair of worn jeans and an indigo cashmere sweater that made his long, snowy hair look even whiter. His cat-green eyes glittered when he shifted his stare over the assembled supes, and his lush lips lifted in a lazy smile.

“So, Alexander,” Cyprian purred, “what have you brought us to play with today?”

Alex flushed and shifted uncomfortably.

I smacked Cyprian on his solid chest. “You're still using your work voice.”

“Oh, right.” Cyprian frowned and cleared his throat. “Sorry, Alex,” he said in a less sultry tone. “I was in the middle of something when I was summoned home.”

I lifted a brow at my husband.

“Something,” he repeated. “Not someone. I was supervising.”

“All right then,” I said with a little smile.

Lily, codename Tempest—for her ability to control storms, sighed and smiled dreamily at Cyprian. I was used to it; Cyprian had that effect on most people, myself included.

Alex cleared his throat and took a sip of his soda before speaking, “There was an incident at Raptor last night.”

“The dance club?” I asked.

“How do you know that Raptor's a club?” Cyprian drawled.

“I did have a life before you,” I said dryly.

“Barely,” Cyprian scoffed.

Davorin, codename Gargoyle—because he could turn things into stone, himself included, chuckled. “You can say that again. All you did was work, Mara.”

“Obviously I didn't.” I smirked. “Or I wouldn't know what Raptor is.”

“What is Raptor?” Malik whispered to Kyrian.

“A place where humans go to drink and find lovers,” Kyrian whispered