Into the Fray (Daring Escapes #3) - Margaret Daley Page 0,1

any strength under the man's unrelenting stare. “Can you help me?” She felt assessed, cataloged, and filed away all in a matter of seconds as his piercing dark look swept over her features. When he didn't reply to her question, she continued, "Juan, that is Senor Diaz, said you…" Her gaze dropped to the table for a few seconds. Then she reestablished visual contact. "He said you have certain talents that could be useful to me."

The expression in Guerrero's eyes told her nothing of what he was thinking. Warmth indicated a blush probably tinted her cheeks, betraying her attempt to present a bold, confidant facade to this man. After seeing him, she could understand why the people referred to him as Guerrero. He was a giant, whose large muscled arms were barely concealed beneath his black T-shirt. Though he was well-built, like a medieval warrior, his face was what spoke of a man capable of taking care of any situation with his bare hands. His look of self-assurance and determination drilling into her drove that assessment home to her.

The silence between them stretched a good two minutes. Tory was at a loss as to what to do. She glanced about the restaurant, noticing a few men still watching them. Then she decided the best thing to do was to come right to the point. "I need you to protect me. Or, rather, the project I'm working on."

Not a flicker of interest, not any emotions at her declaration, crossed his face.

Tory swallowed to coat her dry throat that had nothing to do with the stifling heat in the cafe. She leaned forward. "I'm an archaeologist working at a ruin called the Temple of the Stars,” she whispered, not wanting anyone to overhear. “Have you heard of the place?" There. She had asked a question. He would have to say something now about the job offer.

He nodded his head once, his gaze intent on her face.

She resisted the urge to squirm, not intending to give him the satisfaction of knowing how good he was at intimidation. She suspected he already knew. "We're having problems with someone trying to sabotage our dig. Will you help me protect the site?"


The word was spoken so quietly that Tory had to strain to hear it. His answer triggered her temper, which she tried most of the time to keep suppressed. "I thought you were good friends with Juan. He assured me you were the best and that this was just up your alley." Each word was said with controlled precision. She was determined not to let him see how really upset she was. It had been a long few days trying to find someone to help her until she got desperate and went to Juan to see if he knew of anyone.

"That may be true, but I'm still not interested."

The level of his voice remained lethally soft, yet his midnight dark eyes held absolutely no expression. "Why not?" Tory leaned closer, her anger seeping through the camouflage of calm restraint. She had come to the seedy part of town and subjected herself to foul language all because she was sure this man would be able to help her.


"Dr. Winters."

"Lady, I don't have the time to hold your hand while you work at this temple. Juan knew that. He shouldn’t have gotten your hopes up. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have someone I must see." He rose, towering over her, all six feet nine or ten inches of him.

If Tory hadn't been intimidated before by his calculating stares and unbearable silence, she should be now by his immense size and power. Her temper, though, was in full swing. Slowly she raked her gaze up the tall length of him to settle on his face. God, I need Your help to remain calm and collected. I don’t want anything to happen to the people at the dig site. "I thank you for your valuable time." She balled her hands, her fingernails digging into her palms in order to remain reserved, a habit she’d learned to keep her temper down.

The man actually had the gall to chuckle as he tossed money on the table and then walked toward a counter at the back of the restaurant. The mocking sound lingered in the smoke-filled air, making Tory's cheeks burn with frustration. She clamped her jaws together to keep from making a retort. He hadn't even let her try to persuade him beyond a few sentences. He hadn't even asked