Fortune Academy: Year Three - J.R. Thorn Page 0,3

have to accept that if he wanted to be with me, I came with other Virtues, including the Alpha-hole shifter who had a penchant for walking around naked.

Logan burst out into one of his wolfish grins that was all teeth. His brilliant blue eyes sparkled with mischief as he shoved past the Hunter and slipped an arm around my waist. “I sure hope so, Hunter, because I’ve paid my dues and it’s time to reap the rewards.”

He tugged me with him as he guided us toward the tunnels that disappeared into the cracked wasteland. I swallowed hard as the obvious intent of his growl rumbled throughout the enclosed space.

My Alpha had finally found me, and this time, I wasn’t going to get away from him before he claimed me.

Dante followed from a short distance as we wound through the tunnels. A warm glow cast our surroundings in red and didn’t offer much light, but I could see just fine in the dark thanks to my Demonspawn side.

Based on Logan’s flawless navigation of the rocks and Dante’s silent steps, my Virtues had no problem navigating the shadows with me. I glanced back at Dante to see his eyes glowing orange, giving him a predatory appearance.

He watched me with a mixture of emotions I wasn’t used to. Pensive hope, irritation—adoration.

A part of me wanted to slip back into his arms, but Logan’s warm hand on my hip reminded me of a Virtue I’d neglected for far too long. Dante wasn’t going anywhere, but that was precisely what I was afraid of. I had… matters, to resolve with my wolf. Matters that I wasn’t sure Dante was ready to face with me.

Sighing, I fell into step with Logan.

“What did you mean by ‘pay your dues?’” I asked him, hoping to break the awkward silence.

“I’d rather tell you about it once we’re alone,” Logan replied as he dug his fingers into my hip to keep me close. He tugged me away from a rock before I stumbled over it.

Dante growled. “If you think I’m leaving her alone with you, you’re stupider than you look.”

“You’re the stupid one you—” Logan stopped mid-sentence as he jerked me to a halt and crouched. He sniffed the air as his nostrils flared.

“What is it?” I asked, my voice going up a pitch.

He growled and slammed a hand over my mouth before glancing up. “A spirit.”

He flinched when I bit him. “I don’t care if there’s an army of spirits; you do not silence me.”

“Shut it,” Dante added as he squeezed in beside us, trapping me between Logan’s hard chest and Dante’s back.

Irritation bubbling, I was about to give them both a piece of my mind when a translucent woman dipped into view. Horrible, hungry eyes locked in on me as white hair flung around her haggard face.

Dante pulled out his blade and it glowed red, causing the spirit to snap her gaze to him. She snarled before disappearing into the wall again.

“I’ve been dodging those things ever since we got here,” Logan said as he straightened.

Dante pointed the glowing dagger at the shifter. “I’ve seen those things before. Those are witch spirits.” He offered his palm as he held up the blade. “Give me your hand.”

Logan frowned. “What? Why?”

“Because I need to make sure you’re not possessed.”

“Dante…” I rolled my eyes. The Hunter just wanted an excuse to slice up my wolf.

Dante blatantly ignored me. “You know how I got my powers as a Hunter? From witches. I know them better than anyone, which means I’m your only defense here.” He lowered his voice. “Now give me your fucking hand.”

“Fine,” Logan snapped and did as requested.

The Hunter didn’t hesitate and sliced Logan’s palm, leaving a bright red line as my shifter growled.

Dante murmured a chant under his breath, one I didn’t recognize, and the wound glowed with the same ruby power as his blade. It reminded me of the Blood Stone, but a lingering scent of spice hit my nose, distinctly different than the burning aroma magic the Blood Stone typically supplied.

Logan clutched his arm as his veins lit up. The spell traveled through him with impressive speed, running through the arteries until his entire body glowed.

“Damn it! That fucking hurts!”

Dante smirked. “Well, if you had been possessed that spell probably would have killed you. But now you’re immune to witch spirits for a few hours, so you’re welcome.”

I shoved myself between them. “Dante!”

He grinned, showing off those dimples that made him look deceptively sweet as he sheathed