Flame - Erin Noelle Page 0,4

guzzle the entire beer in one swallow, drowning out any ludicrous thoughts that may be lingering. No matter how much I think I want something like my cousin and his girl have, I know better than anyone that I’d fuck that shit up before it ever got started. I’m a selfish bastard and have no plans of changing anytime soon. Especially not for some pussy, when I can get it on demand like movies on DirecTV.

The room suddenly feels stuffy, too many people crowding around the bar, making me feel pinned in. I need some fresh air. Setting the empty glass down on the bar, I turn to go outside, but before I make it very far, Gunner calls out after me with a hint of hesitation in his voice. “Hey, Levi, you coming back inside for another beer, or heading on to the hotel?”

Stopping midstride, I glance down at my watch as I twist to face him. Eight-thirty. Hmmm. Damn, it feels so much later. “I’ll come back in for one or two more, as long as we don’t have to wake up at the ass-crack of dawn again tomorrow.”

Relief settles over his face as his chest tremors with a silent chuckle. “Nah, the only thing we have tomorrow is the rehearsal at four and the dinner afterwards. You can get all the beauty rest you need. Lord knows your ugly ass needs it so you don’t ruin my wedding pictures.”

“Fucking hilarious, cuz. Too bad the entire female population doesn’t see it that way.” I snicker arrogantly while pivoting back around toward the door.

Busy laughing and not paying attention to where I’m going, I run smack-dab into a girl approaching the bar.

“Oh shit! Sorry, sweetheart!” I exclaim as my hands instinctively shoot out to grab her hips, steadying her before she tumbles to the floor.

Yelping with surprise at the unexpected contact, her chin jerks up, throwing her long, straw-colored hair over her shoulder, and her startled blue gaze lifts to mine. She hisses in a breath when our eyes meet. Or I do. Maybe it’s both of us. I’m not sure, but someone definitely sucked in an oh-hell-yeah hiss.

“Easy there, big guy.” Curling her lips up into an impish grin, her eyes twinkle with mischief as they drop down to focus on where I still have a grasp around her center. “If you wanted to touch me so bad, all you had to do was come over and ask. I’d have totally let you.”

Her snarky comment jolts me out of the guttural fantasy my mind plummeted into at the sight of this sexy-as-fuck chick with a smart mouth. A mouth I’d like to see wrapped around my cock.

Hastily dropping my hands, I retreat back a step before I act on my primal urges. “Well, aren’t you a sassy little—” Before I can finish my thought, Emmy Sue appears beside me, jumping up and down elatedly, with her excited gaze honed in on my body-slam victim.

“Dakota Shavell? Oh, my God! It is you!” She lunges toward the beautiful blonde, engulfing the girl in a massive hug, all while still bouncing on the balls of her feet. “How have you been? Do you still live in town? How’s your family? I can’t believe it’s been, what . . . four or five years?”

Keeping her hands resting on her friend’s shoulders, Emmy Sue leans back far enough to allow her gaze to sweep up and down Dakota’s body before squealing and wrapping her back up in a suffocating embrace. “This is perfect! You look amazing. Can you come to my wedding on Saturday? Mom and Dad will be so happy to see you, and Gabe is flying in tomorrow. He’ll want to see you too! Do you think you can come?”

Dakota takes Emmy Sue’s ramblings of a crazy person in stride, laughing heartily at the barrage of questions. When they finally release each other, Dakota briefly looks up as if she’s searching her brain for answers, and then blurts out, “Yep, it’s me. I’ve been great. I live right outside of Denver, but the rest of my family is all still here in Breck. They’re actually right over there.” She points across the restaurant, but I don’t bother following her finger, ’cause I can’t tear my eyes away from her face. “We’re here for my sister’s boyfriend’s birthday dinner. I just got back in town today for summer break from school, and I’d love to come to your wedding, though saying your