Fanning the Biker's Flame - Piper Davenport Page 0,3

door before heading to my bedroom. I really wanted to take a minute with my vibrator, but unfortunately, I had to work, so I grabbed my purse and keys and made my way down to my car.

* * *


I threw my leg over my bike and glanced up at Posey’s window. Jesus, she was fuckin’ adorable. This might be a problem. Mostly because she was the first woman in a while who’d sparked interest, and if her girly and clean apartment was any indication, she was obviously someone who’d be a little more on the high maintenance level.

She’d also probably want more than a hook-up and I didn’t really have time for anything else, so I put the pretty redhead out of my head and rode back to the club.

Backing my bike into a spot near the barn, I walked inside and was accosted by a tiny toddler terrorist. I grinned, hunkering down and Chloe squealed, wrapping her arms around my neck as I picked her up. “Hey, baby.”

Doc and Olivia’s little girl was wearing the cutest little pair of yoga pants and matching T-shirt and I carried her into the great room to find all of the club kids under ten milling around in similar outfits. “Are we startin’ some kind of yoga class?” I asked, setting Chloe down next to her twin brother, Phoenix.

“There’s a yoga studio downtown offering beginning classes for kids, plus we can participate as well, so we’re all going to give it a try,” Olivia said. “You want to join us?”

“Ah, no.”

She laughed at my expression, which was probably a mix of horror and amusement, then shrugged. “Fair enough.”

“You might like it, bud,” Willow, Dash’s woman, teased. “The teacher’s totally your type.”

“I’m good,” I said, and backed away. When Willow wanted you to do something, you did it. She had the weird ability to make pretty much anyone do anything she asked them to.

“She’s also a kickass massage therapist,” Jasmine, Alamo’s wife, chimed in. “I try at least every six months to steal her for the salon, but alas she’s way too popular to give me any of her profits.”

Jasmine owned a couple high-end salons in and around Savannah, which also happened to carry her skincare line she’d created a few years ago.

“Ooh, yes, she’s amazing. She really is Shadow’s type. Really flexible and good with her hands,” Quinlan, Badger’s woman, crooned. “You should come.”

“Nope, I’m good.”

The women laughed as I shook my head.

“Mom, I really don’t wanna dance,” Ethan, Caspar’s son, whined. “It’s for babies.”

“It’s not dance,” Brooke, Caspar’s woman, countered. “It’s yoga.”

He dropped his head back and groaned. “Why can’t I stay with Dad?”

“Dad has to work,” Brooke said.

Ethan continued to whine, and I watched with slight amusement. Jesus, the woman had the patience of a saint.

“He can hang with me,” I said before I could censor my thoughts.

Ethan’s eyes widened, and he grinned. “Can I, Mom?”

“Honey, Shadow’s busy,” she said.

“I’m just workin’ on the greenhouse,” I said. “He can be my slave labor for a few hours.”

Olivia had gotten a bee up her ass about having fresh veggies and herbs at her fingertips, and since Doc lived and breathed for his woman, he’d approved the build of a greenhouse at the back of the property. Doom and I were working on it together in our off time.

Brooke raised an eyebrow. “Are you sure? I don’t want him in your way.”

“I won’t be in his way,” Ethan promised.

I chuckled. “It’s all good, Brooke. He’ll be fine.”

Brooke cupped Ethan’s chin and leaned down close. “You behave yourself. I want you to be respectful and if Shadow asks you to do something, you say, ‘yes, sir,’ got it?”

He bobbed his head. “Yes, ma’am.”

She smiled, sweeping her thumb over his cheek. “Love you, baby.”

“Love you too, Mama.”

Brooke stood straight again and faced me. “This is a huge help, Shadow. I appreciate it.”

“No problem.” I grinned. “We’ll order pizza in for lunch, so you just take your time.”

Ethan pumped his fist and let out a whoop.

“He’s going to want to be your helper every day now,” Brooke warned, and I grinned.

“Bring it.” I gave Ethan a chin lift and he made his way to me. “I’m gonna change real quick, then we’ll get started.”

“Okay, Shadow,” he said, and I headed to my room.



“YOU KNOW HOW they say never work with kids or animals?” Jane asked.

I chuckled. Jane was not only my best friend, but also an instructor at my center, and she was not the