Fair Lakes Series Box Set - Kaylee Ryan Page 0,3

She hesitates. “I guess I’ll see you soon.”

“See you soon.” I open the door of her SUV and wait for her to climb in before closing it. I jog back to my truck and follow her home.

To her home.

It’s no longer mine.

I park beside her on the driveway just like I used to, and climb out. She’s waiting for me on the front porch. I watch as her hand shakes when she tries to unlock the door.

“Let me,” I say gently, snaking my arms around her, and placing my hands over hers. A sob breaks free from her chest and that loud crack you hear, that’s my heart. I didn’t think it was possible for it to be any more broken.

I was wrong.

Instead of pulling the key from her hand and unlocking the door, I turn her in my arms and hold her tightly against my chest. I’m battling with my own emotions, not only from seeing her like this, but from losing her. I don’t know how much time passes while we hold each other. It’s when a car honks as they drive by that I decide it’s time for us to move inside.

“Let’s get you into the house,” I whisper. Stepping back, she hands me the key, but I snake my arm around her waist and hold her close to me. This might be my last chance to hold her, and you can bet your ass I’m taking it. Quickly, I unlock the door and usher her inside. I drop the keys on the hall table and kick the door shut with my foot. Stepping in front of her, I cup her face in my hands. “You okay?”

She shakes her head. “I will be,” she says.

“You kept my name,” I whisper, leaning in a little closer.

“Yeah, I just—” She looks down for three heartbeats. I know because I counted them before she gives me her sad eyes. “I wanted to keep a piece of you, a piece of us.”

“Winnie,” I whisper as my lips collide with hers. She’s hesitant at first, but eventually throws caution to the wind and kisses me back. Placing my hands on the back of her thighs, I lift her, and she immediately wraps her legs around my waist. We’ve done this song and dance so many times. We move in sync with one another, something that comes from years of intimacy. My tongue slides against hers, exploring her, tasting her again after all these months. When she grinds her hips against my hard cock, I moan, resting my forehead against hers.

“Winnie,” I pant.

“Just this once,” she murmurs.

That’s all I need to hear and my feet are moving. She places her mouth over mine and we barely make it down the hall and to our room—

—her room, before we’re ripping each other’s clothes off.

Chapter 2


Familiarity wraps around me like a warm blanket as my husband’s hands grip my ass, the hard muscles of his arms pressing into my body and caging me in.

No, not my husband.

My ex-husband.

Just the thought steals my breath.

Ignoring the pain that shoots through my body, ricocheting off my bruised and battered heart, I give in to the comfort of his lips, his tongue, his taste. For so long he was my everything. But now… now he’s here. With his arms wrapped around me and the hard length of his erection pressed firmly between my legs, I can’t stop the groan that slips through my lips.

“Winnie,” he whispers, gently tracing his lips along my jaw until he finds my ear. I instantly shudder. He knows that one little touch drives me absolutely wild.

“Just tonight,” I say aloud, more as a reminder to myself than to him. If there’s one thing I need to keep in mind, it’s that this is just temporary.

To be honest, this won’t help any. Not one bit. Falling into bed with my now ex-husband ranks right up there with bungee jumping over a pool of sharks as one of the worst things I could possibly do. But as he draws my earlobe into his warm mouth, I give up the ability to care.

Because it’s him.


It’s always been him. From the first moment I saw him in the library our sophomore year at State, we were inseparable. We weren’t in the same study group—not even in the same part of the library—but the moment my green eyes connected with his chocolate brown ones, I knew I was forever gone. I felt it immediately and started to fall even