Fae-ted to the Bear - Harmony Raines Page 0,4

never expected us to find our mate so soon after Aiden, but at least we won’t feel left out.

When Aiden met Flora, Caleb knew his life would change, that his brother would naturally drift away from him. He’d worried how he would fill the gap left in his life.

Now there won’t be a gap. Elise will fill it.

Hopefully, Caleb answered. She didn’t look especially pleased to find out she belongs to us.

His bear chuckled. Don’t say that to her. I get the feeling Elise doesn’t want to belong to anyone.

You know what I mean, Caleb replied. She’s ours, she’s our mate.

We just have to make her fall in love with us. We need her to want to be with us. And not just because it means Ivan will let her in his kitchen.

I hope that turns out okay, Caleb said. Ivan was right when he said fae and dragons don’t mix well together.

Perhaps this will be a new chapter for fae and dragons. His bear chuckled.

“Can I meet you later?” Caleb asked.

“I don’t know.” Elise shook her head. “Karros and I have to find somewhere to stay.”

“Karros is staying in Wishing Moon Bay with you?” Aiden asked quickly.

“Yes, right now we are laying low. Our parents aren’t happy with him for letting Flora slip through his fingers. As for me...” She held out her hands. “They’ve never been happy with me wanting a career. They’ve always wanted me to meet a man and get married. However, I don’t think they will be impressed with my choice.”

“Does that mean you have chosen me?” Caleb asked hopefully. Perhaps this was going to be easier than he thought.

“Oh.” Her cheeks flushed pink. “I didn’t mean it like that. It’s too soon. I don’t know you.”

“Why don’t you get to know each other?” Flora suggested. “Caleb could help you find somewhere to live.”

“I could. I know the town well. I could ask around to see if there are any houses or apartments to rent.” His offer was met by a nod from Elise.

“I’d appreciate that. We don’t know the town at all.” Her mouth turned down at the corners as a hotel guest walked past and stared at her. “And not everyone here likes fae, do they? My mom used to always warn us not to come here.”

“It’s not that people here don’t like the fae. It’s more that...they think you don’t like us,” Aiden explained.

“Then it’s time we all learned more about each other and how to get along.” She bowed her head, her eyes twinkling. “So, I guess, we should lead by example. I would love to meet you later.”

“Like a date?” Caleb needed to know they were on the same wavelength.

“A date. Yes.” She plunged her hand into her purse as her phone rang. “It’s Karros. I need to go meet him.”

“Here. Let me give you my cell phone number.” Caleb dashed toward the reception desk and grabbed a pen and paper from a startled Jeremy. “Sorry, it’s an emergency.”

“Don’t mind me,” Jeremy said drily.

“Thanks.” Caleb scribbled his number down on the piece of paper, double-checking it was legible before handing the pen back to Jeremy. “Here.” He handed it to Elise, who was talking on the phone to her brother. “Call me if you need anything.”

“I will,” she mouthed and then turned and walked out of his life.

“I have no words.” Caleb stood watching her go like a lost puppy with his tongue hanging out.

“Let’s get you some food.” Aiden grabbed hold of his brother’s arm and turned him around. “Valerie must be wondering where we are.”

“Oh, Rift is with her. He is watching Milo today, so he said he’d join us for lunch.” Caleb ran his hand through his hair as he went with his brother and Flora to the restaurant. Perhaps food would help, although he doubted anything would stop his heart from aching. He longed to be with Elise, he hated that she’d walked away from him.

“There they are.” Aiden raised his hand and crossed the restaurant to a table near the window where their mom and Rift were sitting, while Milo stood with his hands on the glass watching a bird on the lawn outside.

“We thought you’d gotten lost.” Rift got up as they approached. “Nice to see you again, Flora.”

“Rift.” She bowed her head and glanced at Caleb with concern as he pulled out a chair and nearly tripped over one of the legs.

“What happened to you?” Rift asked his brother. “You look pale.” He