Eyes Of Crimson - Stephanie Hudson Page 0,3

and women, of both beauty and vulgarity. An ugliness that went beyond the flesh and from just one look you knew that evil was rooted to the bone. An array of hideous features that showcased more teeth than skin, more rough than smooth, and more snarls of hunger than just sinister thoughts. It was an ocean of danger, like sharks ready to circle whatever kill their Master was ready to cast aside, and a mere hint of blood was a coiled slither in the water, telling them a mortal meal might just be on the menu.

It was little wonder then why the sight made me shudder and before I could step away, his hand that had once been at my arm, came to collar my neck. I swallowed hard, barely allowed the freedom enough for the function. Not with his metal hand now imprisoning my throat from behind, with his strength evident enough that I knew it would take little effort to snap it. But killing me quick, wasn’t in his plans, as I felt him use the hold on me to bring me a step back against him. The tremor in my body was unmissable the second I felt that solid wall of armour at my back. Then as he lowered his head enough to speak directly in my ear, I knew that my earlier question had been answered.

The witch had got to him.

She had done something to him, forced his demon to the surface and right now, one thing became obvious the second he spoke,

It was a demon that didn’t like me.

Which is when I realised, there was always time for another ‘oh shit’ moment, and here it was, something that finally sank in the second he snarled down at me,

“Found at last, my little human.”


Eyes of Crimson

The moment I found myself in this dangerous grasp, with a King I clearly didn’t know anymore at my back, my eyes couldn’t help but search out the only light in the room in what felt like an abyss of darkness.


I hated myself for needing, in that moment, the comfort of a life that cared. The one person who gave a shit about my fate, as it was clear that the person who should have felt this way, now currently had my life firmly in his grasp. Because he wasn’t being gentle with me, not by a long shot. Or was it just being made worse because this wasn’t exactly the first time today I had found myself in this position with a demon’s hands around my neck?

However, the moment I found Trice in the crowd, I saw that his intense gaze was locked on me and he looked so torn, I was almost worried that he would do something suicidal and challenge Lucius. So, I couldn’t help but mouth silently at him,

‘I’m okay.’

Of course, Lucius could feel this, seeing where his hand was placed, and I felt him press harder against me from behind as he looked down at my face. He then looked back up to see where my eyes had been before I was smart enough to lower them. The snarl of anger was felt penetrating through my body as it made his chest rumble. Which was when I couldn’t help but whisper my first plea, one I had a feeling was going to be the first of many, with this tyrant King at my back,


“At least you haven’t lost the ability to please me, in both sight and sound,” he growled low, now running a hand first across my belly and then up to my breasts. Breasts that were not only now covered in the sheer material of my dress but also being cupped by a hand of metal…a decisive move, where he was most definitely staking his claim.

“Behold at last, my troublesome little Mortal has been returned to me!” Lucius’ booming demonic voice echoed out throughout the throne room and I couldn’t help but notice that Trice grimaced before turning his head away in annoyance at his King’s announcement. Meanwhile I flinched at the sound making Lucius grumble down at me,

“Easy, my Pet, for you won’t get away from me quite so easily next time.” I frowned wondering what he meant by this. Did he have a totally different memory as to what had happened between us in the Temple? Exactly what memories had the witch planted in his mind?

“And to ensure such, time for your leash once more, my little Mortal Pet,” Lucius stated making