Dread Nemesis of Mine - By John Corwin Page 0,3

up fallen leaves, sending its cold fingers through my hair. Ivy's hair didn't move a bit.

"I knew you'd try to kidnap me or do something bad," she said, clicking her tongue at me.

"You're a holograph?"

"A projection. Bigdaddy would freak if he knew I was talking to you."

"How did you put this note here then?" I held up the sheet of paper as evidence.

"Mr. Bigglesworth put it there for me."


"You'll meet him soon, big brother. Don't worry. I think I figured out how to get rid of you." She smiled. Waved. Vanished. A misty cloud approximating her shape remained for a second before the wintry breeze scattered it.

I looked at the note again. The words had changed and the original message was gone.

I wish you weren't evil. :( Goodbye.

Smoochies, Ivy

Chapter 2

The funeral had ended. Elyssa stood by the edge of the hole. Her gaze found me the moment I stepped from behind the Conroy family headstone. She looked a little confused. Hurt. Maybe even angry. I didn't blame her. I'd bolted on her in the middle of her brother's funeral. What jackass would do that?

Me, apparently.

Elyssa met me halfway, eyes narrowed. "What happened?"

"My sister."

Her eyes widened. "Sister?"

I nodded. "She was over there." I motioned back where I'd come from. "And she thinks I'm evil."

For a long moment, Elyssa didn't say anything, but the confusion in the arch of her brows told me all I needed to know. Finally she said, "She was here? In this cemetery?"

"Well, not exactly here. She projected, or something weird like that. She wasn't solid when I tried to grab her." I pulled the slip of paper from my front jeans pocket and showed it to her.

Elyssa took it and examined both sides. It was quite obviously blank. "Uh, and this is?" She handed it back.

I flipped the page around, peering at it. Aside from a few creases where I'd folded it, it looked pristine. I couldn't even make out impressions where words might have been. "Or maybe I'm going crazy," I said, feeling even more stupid than usual. "I could have sworn…"

Elyssa gave me an understanding half-smile and shrugged. "Maybe someone is playing a trick on you."

I folded the paper and shoved it back into my pocket, feeling like a complete moron. Could everything have been a bizarre illusion? I'd made my fair share of enemies over the past couple of months as I'd stumbled my way through the politics of the Overworld. Maybe I'd ticked off an Arcane or some other illusionist with the ability to make me see my sister.

Elyssa took my hand and guided us toward the rest of her family as they walked toward a line of black SUVs parked curbside on the winding cemetery road. This place was the final stop for all sorts of beings from the Overworld, warded and guarded against noms in case some of the entities buried here weren't entirely dead. If ghosts existed, this would definitely be the place to find them.

A Templar sprang from one of the SUVs, walked briskly to Thomas, and spoke with him, his gestures urgent. It felt really strange to be on the Borathen family's side of the fence, not to mention openly dating the daughter of the head honcho in Atlanta. Just a week ago, he'd tried to take my head off with a sword.

Thomas turned and motioned us over. Or maybe he was motioning to Elyssa. I followed anyway, trying not to let my nervousness show. When we reached the group, his blue eyes settled on me and narrowed ever so slightly. He pursed his lips and seemed to arrive at some decision, leading us away from the crowd of mourners.

"Colombia is out of control."

"Maximus?" I asked, already knowing it had to be that pompous douche.

He grunted ever so slightly. "Noms in Bogota are starting to notice. He's not even trying to keep his recruitment activities a secret."

"What about here in Atlanta?" Elyssa asked.

"He seems to think he can get away with it down there. Weak local government." Thomas folded his arms and gave me an appraising look. "I'd like to send you down to help Commander Salazar."

Just the thought of going back to Colombia made me shudder. "Did he request me?"

"No. But Maximus seems to have a special hatred for you. It might be enough to draw him out." He looked around as the crowd thinned. "This isn't the place to discuss it. Meet back at the compound in an hour. I plan to put a stop to