Double Trouble (Troublemaker Series #2) - Cassie Mae Page 0,2

a look before deciding to do one more lap, then check out of here. The sun is still out, casting sunset rays through the windows and creating gigantic shadows as the skaters take their last lap around. My knee bounces as I cut my gaze to the Wheel Zone entrance. Brink’s usually in here by now, bursting through the doors with her scratched up board, long dark hair waving around near her hips, an old, dented helmet tucked under her arm.

Gah, I remember it like yesterday—the moment I realized I was completely hooked. She busted through those doors in the exact same way she always did. There was nothing new… other than how my stomach suddenly knotted, my heart did an irregular beat, and sweat broke out along my hairline.

Brink was… gorgeous. Her smile, her attitude, her skills as a boarder, her dedication to her family… all of that. Gorgeous. My dumbass took three years to see it.

Course, I have a habit of falling hard and fast for people. It’s bitten me in the butt on more than one occasion. Most recently, my attention was directed toward my now-boss Candace, who showed little interest in reciprocating those feelings. Not that she had a chance. I fall fast, but I also keep it to myself… another cause-and-effect situation I’d rather not think about.

I glance toward the doors again that stay annoyingly closed. The clock ticks down to twenty till close, and my knee starts bouncing overtime.

“Uh… Tanner?”

I blink and focus in on my trainees, Kinsley and Kolton. They’re on their first week, so they’ve been in the other zones, shadowing the more seasoned employees. Honestly, I’ve been so focused on my plan to ask Brink out I completely forgot they were here.

“What’s up?” I ask, hopping off the counter.

“Are we good to go?” Kinsley asks. “We wiped down the rink and sanitized the rentals.”

“Yup. I’ll clean the half-pipe arena.”

“Sweet. We can hit Josh’s party.” Kolton pumps his fist, and Kinsley rolls her eyes at him. She grabs the sleeve of his white Troublemakers tee—the color we give all our trainees—and tugs him to the breakroom to punch out.

I keep my eyes on them only because they’re going through the same door Brink would walk in… if she’s ever gonna get here.

The double doors swing slowly shut, the click echoing around the now-empty Wheel Zone. A frown presses on the corners of my mouth, and I check the time again.

Five minutes till close. Where the hell…? And I was so ready to ask her out, too.

I take the Yoda that’s been sitting on the counter all night and put him in the cupboard next to my jacket and wallet and lock it up. Guess I’ll have to do it another day.

I grab the push broom with a huff and set my board down. It clatters against the floor, then the wheels roll smoothly as I jump on, taking it for a spin while I sweep.

The sound of Hewy Lewis and the News plays in the background, and I jam out to The Power of Love and kick dirt and dust up with the push broom. Disappointment settles in my gut as the minutes tick toward nine-thirty. I hope she’s all right; she has been working long hours at that farm she manages during the day. Or maybe she’s hanging with Demi tonight, or even Pete. Candace is working tonight, so it makes sense that Pete wouldn’t be on a date and spending time with his sisters instead.

Yeah, there’s gotta be a simple explanation for her not showing tonight.

After sweeping and polishing and shutting off lights, the clock officially states 9:47, and I’m outta here, I guess. I grab my wallet and jacket, leaving Yoda in there for when Brink decides to come in for a boarding session.

The Wheel Zone is an easy shut down, so when I leave, the Zombie theater, the arcade, and bowling are all still closing. I nod toward Candace as a goodbye, and she smiles and calls out, “See you tomorrow, Tanner!”

Management suits her. Her red-brown hair is in a high, no-nonsense ponytail. She doesn’t wear an official Troublemakers shirt with khakis anymore, but a pair of black slacks and a blouse, a gold nametag pinned into the fabric. She’s doing the rounds, checking off each zone as they close up. With my exit, she makes her way to the Wheel Zone, her thoroughness making me shake my head and crack a grin. She’s the only manager who