Double the Fun by Jenika Snow Page 0,3

the outside of the building cast enough of a glow through the windshield that he could see her long, shapely legs. Just seeing all that smooth, tanned flesh was causing his jeans to become uncomfortably tight. A glance at William proved his brother was watching him with a scowl on his face.

Rys didn’t hide the fact that he wanted Jane more than he ever wanted another female. At least, he didn’t hide it from William. There was no way in hell he would ever make a move on her though. They had too much history together. She was their best friend, had tagged along with them since she was five years old. He had watched her grow into the beautiful woman sitting between him and his brother. He realized he wanted her years ago, and when he admitted as much to William, the look on his brother’s face told him there was no way in hell anything could ever happen between them.

Things would change, and neither of them wanted that. She didn’t need another asshole going after her, and despite the fact that she wasn’t favored in town, every fucking guy who lived in Ecstasy wanted in Jane Silver’s panties. It was a known fact, even if she didn’t realize it.

He pushed the door open and reached for her hand at the same time William did. Rys scowled at his brother and silently commanded him to back the fuck off. Even though William never admitted he wanted Jane, there was no doubt in Rys’s mind that he did. Hell, he had seen William stare at her with this intense expression. He knew it was the same expression that crossed his face whenever he looked at her. At first, he didn’t know what the hell was wrong with him, but after he told his brother he had feelings for Jane, the same emotions washed across his twin’s face.

William let go of Jane’s hand with a huff and got out of the passenger side. Rys pulled on Jane’s hand until she was sliding across the driver seat. Her legs dangled over the side, and he instinctively placed his hands on her hips. She was tiny compared to him and William, and his hands nearly engulfed her entire waist. Keeping his composure, he watched as she kept her head lowered. He didn’t miss how she bit her lip, and it took everything inside him not to groan at the sight. Did she even realize how fucking hot she was, that she drove men to their knees? Shaking his head, he helped her out of the truck and shut the door.

They flanked her on instinct. They had always been the ones to protect her, always been the ones who made sure no one fucked with her. They couldn’t stop people from talking, but they sure as hell could make sure they didn’t harass her. Rys and William had beaten enough asses over the years to make sure anyone and everyone knew that if they messed with Jane, they messed with the Holden twins.

Chapter 3

Ever the proper gentleman, William held the door open for Jane. Country music blasted through the jukebox in the far corner, and several people moved to the music on the makeshift dance floor. Rowdy’s was the only bar in the city limits, so it was safe to say it was the hottest spot in town, not just on the weekends but when the sun went down too.

The first thing Jane realized when she stepped onto the worn wooden floor was that half the town seemed to be crammed into the building. Smoke filled the intimate interior despite the smoking ban that had gone into effect in the state.

Jane never came to Rowdy’s alone, not when she got enough dirty looks and whispers behind her back everywhere she went. If Rys and William were with her, no one bothered her. Of course she knew the twins made sure she was safe and swaddled in bubble wrap, but they couldn’t protect her for the rest of her life. She didn’t want to be dependent on them like her mother had been on her father. Jane would not rely on a man, even if those men were the two most important people in her life. She might still be here because of her mother, but she wanted out.

She wanted to explore the world and leave behind the town of Ecstasy.

“Well, I’ll be damned. If it isn’t Jane Silver and the Holden boys.”

Jane smiled at