Devil's Move - Leslie Wolfe Page 0,3

interesting. Who’s building all this technology? Will it be ready in time for November?”

“We have selected another government contractor with decades of experience delivering impeccable service, DCBI, to assist with the technology deployment. For those of our viewers who might not be entirely familiar with their name, Donaldson & Campbell Business Intelligence is one of the top three technology consulting firms in our country. They have a history of delivering strategic government contracts on time, within budget, and with the highest security. They will deploy the entire solution based on very specific requirements that include every single aspect of the new system, from how the devices will look, feel, and work to how the data will be captured, interpreted, and stored.”

“One last question, Senator,” Stephanie said, suddenly turning serious. “Are you worried? Do you have any concern this overhaul might not go as planned?”

“No, I am not worried, not at all.” The Senator’s calm smile lingered.

“Thank you very much for your time with us here tonight, Senator. This was very interesting and informative. We are looking forward to having you join us in the studio again with progress updates.”

“Thank you, I would be happy to.”

The camera zoomed back in, centering on Stephanie’s elegant features.

“That was Senator Sidney Mulligan, the pioneer of electronic voting. On January 7th, we will welcome into our studio the voice of opposition against this highly disputed overhaul, New Jersey Congressman Jim Archesi, one of the most conservative voices in the Republican Party.” Stephanie paused briefly before delivering the final phrase of her show. "Live from our studio, this is Stephanie Wainwright, with News of the Hour."


...Friday, December 18, 1:33PM PST (UTC-8:00 hours)

...Meadowood Mall Starbucks

...Reno, Nevada

“Hello?” Coffee spilled on the table, the cup tipped over in the man’s rush to pick up the call.

“This is Helms. Travel arrangements are made. She’s arriving on the 23rd at 8:25PM, American Airlines flight 1075 from DC via Dallas Forth Worth. Get the job done.”

“Yes, sir,” the man answered as the caller hung up.


...Tuesday, December 22, 8:07AM PST (UTC-8:00 hours)

...Carmel Valley Beach

...San Diego, California

Alex Hoffmann landed hard on her back, air knocked out of her lungs despite landing on sand. She grunted and spat out some of the sand that had stuck to her tongue. She tried to get back up on her feet but then gave up and settled on the wet beach, still dizzy, eyes open under the fine December mist.

“I hate you,” she said, giving Louie a look of deep resentment. “I hate you very much right now. Words cannot describe.”

“Yeah, whatever,” Louie said unmoved, “now get back on your feet. You’re very vulnerable when you’re down.”

“Don’t care anymore,” she whimpered. “Just go away.”

“No can do, boss, we only have a few days to get you in shape. Up!”

“I am in shape.” She grunted angrily. “I look great.” She got up, shaking the sand off her sweats and trying to arrange her wet hair. “I am in great shape, and I can take care of myself, thank you very much.”

“Wrong and wrong,” Louie said. With a swift movement of his arm, he grabbed her and twisted her in the air. This time she landed face down in the sand.

“Ugh,” she spat. “Enough already, I think I get your point.” She curled on her side, not caring about the wet sand anymore. “But I am in great shape, even if I don’t know martial arts, or whatever this is. I’m not GI Jane, nor do I intend to be. Not ever.”

“Sure, you’re in great shape to go clubbing, nothing more, and you look great in one of those short skirts. But when things got rough I had to bail your ass, if you so kindly remember.”

Alex felt the sting. “So what? That’s what we do for each other in this job. That’s what we’re supposed to do: have each other’s backs. Plus, I already thanked you.”

“Yeah, but what if I’m not there? What if none of us are there when you need help? Do you want to die before your time? Are you in a hurry or something? Or do you want the last thought that goes through your head before you die to be ‘I now die of laziness because I could have learned how to defend myself, but I was too complacent to get my ass off that sand and work with one of the best close combat trainers I could have hoped for?’” Louie approached her and offered his hand to help her get up. “Up