A Demon's Harmony - E.C. Land Page 0,4

not any of her business.

Like she really cares. All you two ever do is argue when you’re around each other. Just get a divorce and be done with it.

That’s not an option.

“What the fuck?” I snap, my hand still on the doorknob.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to listen in. I swear, I only just got to the door and barely heard a word,” she says quickly.

“You heard enough, Alexis,” I sneer as I go to pass her, I shove my hands in my pockets to keep from reaching out to touch her.

“I said, I didn’t mean to listen in, Tanner. You don’t need to take your anger out on me,” Alexis whispers softly and I know I’m being an ass. In all honesty I’m over the whole being nice and trying to win her back.

“Not taking my anger out on you. I simply don’t give a damn anymore,” I say through clenched teeth before stalking away. I can’t be around her right now let alone look at her.

Hitting the main room of the shop, I find Chaz and Bethany holding each other as they smile. I want that but I will never have it with the woman I want most.

“Hey Tan Tan, what’s up with the long face?” Bethany asks when she sees me.

“Nothing. Can you do me a favor, Bethy, and cancel the rest of my lessons for the day. I’m heading out. Actually, cancel them for the rest of the week,” I mutter meeting Chaz’s gaze. His brows furrowed in confusion for a brief moment before he nods his head. He gets why I need the break.

“Don’t worry about the rest of the week we can cover it for you,” Chaz says.

“Thanks man, I’m heading out. See you all at home.” Passing them, I make my way out of the shop toward my car.

Sliding in behind the wheel, I ignore the phone vibrating in my pocket. I know who it is and I don’t feel like hearing any more of the bullshit. I’m done being the parent to the ones who are supposed to have been taking care of Kobi and I growing up.

If it weren’t for the owner of Music Lullabies at the time, I don’t know what I’d have done. He gave me a purpose when I was close to being the very man I loathe. All because in their life it’s either become a dealer, druggie, or wind up dead in some gang rivalry.

Growing up it was rough. When I joined Chaz, Hunter, and Lex in the band it became worse. The guys in the neighborhood would call me wannabe white boy. Yet my friends never once treated me differently. To them there was no difference in the color of our skin. We were all the same.

Chaz one day took a pocketknife out and sliced into each of our thumbs. “See we all bleed the same, there’s no difference. You’re my brother the same as these three. Don’t let the words of those idiots get to you.” His words have always stuck with me when someone said something negative.

I guess that’s why the four of us are so close. I mean the three of them are established as my Power of Attorney if anything were to happen to me. They’re also in my will along with Alexis. I refuse to allow my parents to take anything that doesn’t belong to them.

Kobi has also done the same but he’d put down his best friend, Toby.

Starting the engine, I turn my music up as loud as it will go while rolling down my windows. Drowning Pool’s ‘Tear Away’ blares through the speakers.

Ironic that this song would be playing right now. Because it’s exactly how I feel, spinning tires as I pull away from the curb.

I don’t know where I’m heading, but driving gives me a sense of peace. All my worries are pushed to the back of my mind while the music fills the interior and my focus is on the road. If I were on my motorcycle it’d be even better. Unfortunately for me, it’s at the Devil’s Riot garage getting a new paint job.

Making my way down the interstate heading east toward the beach, my anger starts to dissipate and reason seeps in. Alexis wasn’t trying to do anything but come into the room she works out of. I’d been in there so no one would be listening to my conversation and she was supposed to be at lunch with that bitch Lori.

On the days they