Defining Darkness - K E Osborn Page 0,1

my cigarette, then butt it. Standing from my president’s chair, I walk out of the chapel to finish what I was doing before church was assembled for Andrés’ call. I know I only have around five minutes before my brothers will be ready.

That should be plenty of time.

My eyes shift to Void. “VP, just gonna finish up, then I’ll be good to roll out. Make sure everyone’s ready.”

He gives me a two-fingered salute as I head for the stairs leading down into the lower bunker. It’s said back in World War II this area was used as a civilian shelter by a man who was wealthy as fuck and wanted protection for his family. The owner had the lower bunker built-in case they were invaded. He could capture the enemy and hold them captive below the main area of the bunker—the sick fuck! But then again, it comes in handy for a club of 1%ers to have a feature like this at our disposal. So, I’m a sick fuck too.

I take the stairs two at a time leading down to the lower bunker. The dim hue of lighting grows even duller. The musty smell becomes thick with the scent of mildew as I open the thick concrete door leading through to the Bricking Room.

The walls are lined with red bricks.

Some new.

Some old.

All holding an array of sins.

“Let me out, you motherfucker!” a raspy voice calls from the other end of the Bricking Room.

I narrow my eyes in the darkened space, my eyesight’s almost crystal clear as Dustin’s terrified face pokes out from behind the wall. His pale skin is almost pasty from malnourishment. His cheekbones are starting to sink into his face.

The corner of my lips turn up as I saunter over to him.

“Nycto, c’mon, man, I’ve been hauled up in here for weeks. I did you wrong, I know that. I’ve paid for it. You gotta let me go, man.”

I step over to Dustin, whose hands are tied behind his body.

His head pokes out through the small gap I’ve left unbuilt. His pleading eyes meet mine.

I tilt my head. “Dustin, Dustin, Dustin. When will you learn? In Florida, the Royal Bastards are the only dealers in heroin. You came into our territory to sell. Now while I don’t personally move the stuff, my brother chapter in Miami does, and Hatch was nice enough to let me handle you. He knows I like to have a little fun from time to time.”

“Fun? You call this fun?” Dustin blurts out through the small opening in the bricks I’ve left exposed.

I shrug. “I call this a balancing act. You tried to shift the balance. I’m simply righting your wrong, but, alas, the fun is wearing thin for me. I think you’ve done your share of recompense.”

His eyes widen as his body begins to shake. “W-what are you saying? Are you going to take me out from behind this damn wall?”

Excitement boils my blood. Adrenaline pumps overtime in my veins as I lean down grabbing the bucket, pulling off the lid to find the mortar powder ready for use. Dustin’s eyes go wide as I pour water into it and stir.

The asshole’s head slowly moves back and forth, letting out a girly fucking whimper. “Nycto, no. Please, man, no. I swear I’ll stop. I’ll get my men to stop, too. Do anything to me. Goddamn anything, but not this!”

I stir the mortar with an evil glint and a giant smirk. Warmth flows through me like the sick fucker I am, but damn, do I enjoy this shit. I grab a brick, the trowel, and scoop up some of the mortar.

“Nycto, c’mon… let’s talk about this. Please!”

I lather on the mortar, right at his chin height. Slowly, over a few weeks, I have been encasing him inside this wall.

Today he’ll meet his darkness.

Dustin’s breathing heavily, the whites of his eyes follow every single move I make in front of him. The power I hold right now gives me a hard-on. This asshole did the Royal Bastards wrong. Now he’s going to fade into the darkness like he deserves.


My eyes shift over the brickwork.

The room has held many bodies of the men who have offended the club. Not just Tampa, but any chapter of the Royal Bastards who need someone to ‘disappear.’ If our brother chapters want it to happen, we take care of them. Once we’ve given the body long enough to meet their end, we will break down the wall then dispose of