Dear Daddy, Please Spank Me - Chara Croft Page 0,3

see me and call me on it, and finally gave in to Ellen’s annoyed meowing and headed into the kitchen to fill her bowl.

“That wasn’t love at first sight, Lizzard. That’s not even a real thing.”

She made a rude sound. “So you’re saying the first time you saw Jordan, you weren’t totally gone for him? Because you definitely weren’t as subtle as you seemed to think.”

“That was different.” I said.

That had been lust at first sight, and I was definitely a believer in that one.

Of course, back when I’d been fifteen, naive-and-hopeful me, the me who hadn’t been burned yet by the realities of trying to date guys who were always looking for someone a little more focused on fun and a little less excited by stability and structure than I was, might have called the lust I’d felt for Jordan by another name, but that hadn’t been real. It couldn’t have been, because I hadn’t actually known him. And sure, I’d convinced myself that I did at the time, but constantly watching him—okay, possibly stalking him—throughout my entire freshman year didn’t count.

Still, while I hadn’t actually known him, there was no doubt that I’d known a lot about him. Like the fact that he’d always tugged his left earlobe when he was nervous, even though he never let it show on his face; and the slightly superstitious way he’d always double-tapped the gym door right underneath our school mascot whenever he walked in with the cheer squad for a pep rally; and the way he avoided all dairy products.

Lactose intolerance?

Personal preference?

A weight management thing?

I’d never figured that part out, but what I had figured out was that even though he was always surrounded by people, he only seemed genuinely comfortable with his co-captain on the cheer-squad and best friend, Nichol Fetterline; he sucked at academics but somehow always skated by on charm; no one came to his graduation ceremony with him; and despite being popular and gorgeous and out and proud, sometimes I'd had the impression that he was just the tiniest bit insecure, too.

Unless, of course, I’d just been fooling myself. Convinced that there was a vulnerability under that picture-perfect surface that only I could see... and that, of course, only I would be the perfect answer for. The one he could open up to. The one he could count on. The one he was meant for…

I snorted, shaking my head at my ridiculous fantasies.

“What?” Lizzie asked. “Was that a ‘yes’ I heard?”

“It was a nothing, Lizzard,” I lied. “Trust me, you need to give this one up.”

Although if I was honest, everything I’d once convinced my starry-eyed teenage self I’d felt for Jordan was exactly what I kept looking for and not finding when I asked guys out now... and that really was ridiculous, given that it had only ever existed in my own head in the first place.

Still, as soon as I finished feeding Ellen and finally got Lizzie off the phone, I couldn’t resist restarting the video I’d paused. I hadn’t seen Jordan since he’d graduated, and watching him hop around and shake his ass on the small screen made me feel like I’d been stuck in the desert for all those years, but now had finally found water.

Cold, clear, sparkling, mouthwatering water.

I palmed myself, no more able to control my cock’s reaction to him then I would have been able to stop myself from grabbing that metaphorical water and guzzling it until I choked on it.

On screen, Jordan was just finishing the workout he’d been doing, and I couldn’t look away as he mopped his face and smirked at the camera, rattling off a bunch of well-rehearsed-sounding patter asking me to click, like, comment, and subscribe to something.

God, he was beautiful, and the way those bottomless dark eyes held mine as he signed off… maybe it was a sign.

“Oh God, I really am a dork,” I told Ellen.

She ignored me, face buried in her food dish and tail flicking in irritation at the interruption. But still, how could I ever say no when Jordan asked me for something?

And fine, he hadn't really asked “me,” and I certainly didn’t expect anything more to come of having him in my life, so to speak, this time around than it had back when we’d been in high school. He was still a little too beautiful to seem real and totally out of reach, even if we had both ended up living in the same city, but it