Dark Reign (The Bennett Duet #2) - Xavier Neal Page 0,1

she is simply lost.

And, she will be found.

She will be found – no matter how high the cost may be.

No price is too high for the piece of my soul that is missing.

“I have absolutely no interest in moving to the middle of Wisconsin,” Gabriel Mendes bluntly announces. “None.”

“And, I did not ask for your frame of mind, Mr. Mendes,” I immediately inform. “Your wants or preferences do not hold merit in the decisions regarding when and where employees shall be moved or relocated. Your interests – which appear to be that of a spoiled child in need of disciplining – do not possess value in reference to the business model presented to me by a team of highly intelligent individuals whose entire existence revolves around actively contributing ideas and information that will continue to make me billions.”

His darker complexion pales as he struggles not to sink into his seat.

“You will move wherever I deem fit whether that is to a promising prospect like Vlasta, or to the pits of Poland – where they work out of one windowless room to do the same job I am paying you to do now, yet somehow they manage to do it better.”

Gabriel’s gaze drops to his tablet in front of him.

“I will disclose the details of our new branch and what that entails for all of you when the time has arrived for me to do so. In its wait, I suggest you focus more on how this branch plans to surpass the previous year’s holiday sales given that those crucial moments are upon us.” I rise to my feet in a clear indication I am done with this dreadful meeting even if they aren’t. “Either that or you can begin polishing your resumé.” My hands find their way to my pants pockets at the same time I taunt, “I wonder what would be worse, Mr. Mendes. Living in a place that gets cold during the winter or living out in the cold during the winter.”

His brown eyes widen in fear.

“It would be wise to invest in a coat.” The menacing retort is proceeded by me motioning my head to Miko that I’m ready to exit.

Two steps out the door, he casually states, “Penso di aver bisogno di un nuovo cappotto.”

I think I need a new coat.

The unnecessary comment causes me to cut a glance in his direction.

“Forse uno farcito con piume di pollo.”

Maybe one stuffed with chicken feathers.



“No…” Miko immediately shakes his head in denial. “Sono abbastanza sicuro che sia pollo.”

I'm pretty sure it's chicken.

Bafflement and outrage over the idiotic conversation we’re having sends my jaw to the ground in preparation to tear him apart regarding his ability to maintain his unshakeable levity that doesn’t seem to comprehend appropriate boundaries when someone unexpectedly interrupts the impending scolding.

“Excuse me, Mr. Bennett.”

It takes everything in me not to glare at Phillip Harrington, my future wife’s second in the office. “Yes?”

“I need to speak with Chantal and haven’t been able to reach her.”

Just hearing her name threatens to unravel me.

“It’s rather urgent.”

So is finding her.

I slide my hands into my pockets to help assist in maintaining my composure. “She is currently indisposed.”

His eyebrows swiftly lift in concern.

“I will not allow her to answer anything work related until I am convinced her health is in a more suitable position to handle such stress.”

He doesn’t hide his worry. “Did…did something happen to her this weekend? Is she alright?”

“She’ll be fine. There’s no reason to be alarmed.” My fingers curl tightly into fists to control the rage rushing through my veins. “However, whatever this urgent matter is, you’ll have to manage on your own without Miss Brooks’ expertise. You are in the position underneath hers. Surely, you have enough intelligence that you can fall back on, or should interviewing for your replacement be the first business she tends to when she’s allowed to return?”

“No.” Phillip promptly shakes his head. “No. I can…conclude which reports Julianna should be sent on my own. It’s just your fiancée is technically the boss and major responsibilities are on her and-”

“Why would you refer to her as that?”

“Isn’t that what she is?”

The nonpublic knowledge has my eyes narrowing in suspicion.

“She is the boss unless you gave her a demotion that I missed reading in a memo.”

“That is not the title I was alluding to.”

“Oh.” Phillip’s expression transposes to one that feels like minor disappointment. “You meant the fiancée thing.”

My silence is the only response he’s given.

“Isn’t that what the big beach weekend