Dark of the Moon - By Tracy Barrett Page 0,4

tried to hurt me. He had not been allowed even to touch me until one day when I toddled away from my dozing nursemaid, Korkyna, and was found, hours later and after a frantic search, asleep on his lap. Asterion had still been a child himself then, though already nearly as tall as a grown man, and he was terribly strong. Korkyna had fainted at the sight of me curled up on my brother's knees, his misshapen head bent over my face. She had thought he was going to eat me, but he nuzzled me and then kissed my forehead.

"What do you have there?" I tried to sound only half interested. Asterion blinked his confusion. I indicated his left arm still stretched behind him, the muscles in his powerful shoulder bulging. The poor girl's wrist would be bruised, if not broken, by that grip.

Asterion looked over his back and seemed surprised to see what he was holding. She opened her mouth. "Don't speak," I said quickly. "Keep still." She started to nod, then clearly thought better of it and sent me a look of comprehension instead. Good. Intelligence as well as beauty. No wonder the Minos was so eager to have me save her.

"That's not yours," I said. Asterion looked from me to the girl and back again. His face, already misshapen with bulging eyes and bony bumps and ridges, grew even uglier as it wrinkled. The girl closed her eyes.

I knew my brother didn't agree. What found its way into his chamber was his, whether it was food or a rat or an Athenian princess. "No, she isn't," I insisted. "She belongs to the Minos. He wants her back."

Asterion pulled the girl around in front of him, where he clutched her tightly, her face to his chest. I started to rise, then forced myself to sit back down, hoping she could breathe. "When you give her to me, I'll go talk to Cook and see what he can send you." I knew better than to say if Asterion re-leased her, which would imply that he had a choice.

He loosened his hold slightly, and the girl tilted her head back to take a breath. "I wonder what you would like." I looked up to the ceiling, pretending to consider. Asterion licked his lips, his gaze fixed on me. "I think I saw some..." I drew it out, and he leaned forward, his eyes shining. "I think I saw a pot of honey." His groan was of delight this time. "Yes, I saw some honey, and I think Cook was saving it for the Minos, but when you give me the girl I'll tell him that he has to let you have it instead." Asterion loosened his grip a little more. The girl swiveled her eyes toward me, her brown hair plastered to her head with her sweat or his, or both.

Our mother hated it when Asterion ate honey. He always wound up covering himself in the stickiness, and as he feared water almost as much as he feared fire, it would take me hours to clean it off him. If I didn't, he'd soon be covered in ants, and his roaring as he tried to pull them off with his clumsy fingers would disturb everyone in the palace. But it would be worth it if I could free that girl before he broke something in her slim body.

I stood up and shook out my skirt. "I hope the Minos hasn't eaten it already. He looked hungry when I came in."

Asterion made an impatient sound.

"No, I won't go look. I have to take the girl with me or he'll say that you can't have her and the honey. One or the other."

In the end it was that simple. Honey or the girl, and he chose the honey. I held my breath while he considered, afraid that another word or move on my part would make him squeeze her again. But then he released her. He watched sadly as she glided toward me, eyes fixed on the ground. I had been afraid that she would break into a run, but she knew better, and my brother made no attempt to grab her again. She continued through the door.

"I'll be back soon," I promised. Asterion nodded and licked his lips.

"Come on." I caught up with the girl and took her arm, leading her down a corridor and then around a corner. We passed the stairway that I had used to descend into my