Dark Fae's Secrets - Eve Newton



I blink a couple of times and then look back into Rath’Na’s eyes with a huge grin. I start laughing and wiggle away from him to dance around and flap my wings. I feel like a small child again and it is fun!

He chuckles at me, indulging my less than Queenly behavior, but then I stop dancing and frown. There is a thud on the window, like someone has thrown something at it.

We exchange a look and both step towards the window at the same time, peering out. I can’t see much, so I open it and look down with a gasp of horror.

The ground outside of my window is covered in dead ravens. I look up and the sky is filled with the birds in flight and then dropping out of the sky like rocks.

“What the fuck?” I shriek and turn to get dressed, automatically stashing my wings away somehow, just by thinking that I need them gone so I can pull my dress over my head.

“Savannah, wait, it could be a trap,” Rath’Na urges me, but is pulling his pants back on anyway.

“I don’t care! They are all dying! Am I doing this? Is it me?” I am terrified at the thought. Rath’Na and I, making love the way we did, opened up something epic inside me. Did I accidentally send a wave of magick out there that killed my beloved ravens?

I don’t wait for him to answer me, I just grab his hand and Puffport us outside. I choke back the sickening sob, letting go of Rath’Na to put my hands to my mouth as the tears well up.

Under the rumbling night sky, the lightning flashes and a rain of ravens pours down from up above.

“No!” I scream and look around, walking through the field of dead birds, seeking out one in particular, as my heart thuds in my chest.

“Savannah,” Rath’Na says calmly, but I ignore him as my eyes land on a raven the size of an eagle, lying dead a few feet away.

“Rook!” I shriek and race over, dropping to my knees. “No, please, come back.” I tell myself that he reincarnates every time and that he will be fine, but what if this time he isn’t? What if last time was his last?

“Savannah,” Rath’Na says again, putting his hand on the back of my neck.

It calms me enough to look up at him. I see a swirl of silver ribbons all around me and gasp. I stand up again and feel the magick coming out of my fingers. I hold my hands out and ten wispy strands of magick that I have never seen, let alone used before, finds the dead ravens and touches them lightly. They spring up, one by one, coming back to life, shaking their heads and then flapping off with screeches of rage.

Open mouthed, I spin to Rook, holding my hands out over him. The silver ties float down into him, bringing him back to life. He Shifts back to his human form with a loud groan.

“Thank the gods,” I cry and fall to my knees, taking his face in my hands and kissing him.

“What happened?” he asks.

“I don’t know,” I whisper, pressing my forehead to his.

Once again, Rath’Na places his hand on my neck and I look up at him. “This wasn’t you, Savannah. You didn’t do this.”

I blink at him, hoping that he’s right.

Rook looks between us and I press my thighs closer together. They are still slick with cum from the magnificent sex from only a few minutes ago. The fact that I want to do it all over again right here, right now is something that is pressing on me. The power that I’ve used to bring these creatures back to life is…overwhelming and I know it has everything to do with the goddess in me and not the Queen part of me.

“Your power is to heal, Savannah, not harm,” Rath’Na says.

I give him a hard stare, which he frowns at.

I turn away and look back at Rook. “Are you okay?”

“Fine,” he croaks out. “That was not like the other times.”

“Because Savannah didn’t do it,” Rath’Na grits out. “This was a malicious attempt to hurt you,” he adds to me.

“How do you know?” I ask quietly.

“Because look…” He points over to the far side of the Palace grounds. Under the stormy sky, I see a flash of yellow silk and know that it is Ambrosia.

“You BITCH!” I roar at her and leap up, launching myself forward, but