Damaged Billionaire Daddy Bear - Leela Ash Page 0,1

like this that his Bear shown through, even into his human form. It was not only in the way he moved, but in the authority his soft but firm voice carried. “You’re right. I don’t need to remind you, Connor. You punish yourself enough every day as it is for not saving Laura and your folks,” Theodore stated, pointing out something they were all aware of to one degree or another. Connor sometimes brooded to the point that they worried he was harming himself.

Connor grabbed Theodore’s shirtfront and hauled him across the table until their faces were mere inches apart. “Say her name again and I’ll flay you with dragon fire.”

Theodore calmly wrapped his hands around the other man’s wrists and unclenched the hands tightened at his shirtfront.

“You wouldn’t dare, Connor. Besides, I am a part of you, and you’re a part of me. You wouldn’t hurt me. And even if you tried, have you forgotten, I’m immune to your fire? We all are,” Theodore finished.

The reminder spread a warm glow across the room. After that massacre, twenty years ago, they had been the only survivors ─ mere kids of eight, nine and ten years old. They had vowed to never hurt each other, and their vow had been so earnest that it had become tangible, as they grew, that even when any of them used his abilities, the rest were immune to its harmful effects.

Unfortunately, they weren’t immune to pranks, and their individual abilities had served to play several pranks over the years.

“The Tailan Mineral is here,” Jonathan Hale, the most reserved member of their group, stated in his usual quiet manner.

Silence fell. No one could forget the Tailan Mineral. It was the greatest discovery ever to happen to shifter kind. Good thing it was on the same land owned by Exotic Rescue because Theodore had discovered it in time and bought up every single bit of land in its vicinity immediately.

Tailan was a pure liquid, gold-colored mineral that gushed from a secluded spot on the grounds of Exotic Rescue. It was a harsh substance; strong and corrosive enough to peel human skin. But whenever it hit the skin of shifters, it healed every injury on their bodies in nanoseconds, without them having to use their abilities. The mineral gave shifters extra abilities and helped children shifters have less pain when transitioning initially. Plus, recent research had indicated that used in the proper targeted way, it could point to a potential cure for cancer in humans even at terminal stages. They were still studying it, but it looked very promising. They sensed they were really only just beginning to understand it’s true nature and what it could do.

“Yes, Tailan is here,” Theodore agreed. “And Roy and his henchmen have done everything possible to get their hands on it. They have resorted to getting the whole of Angel Springs convinced that something shady and underhanded is going on in Exotic Rescue, which is why I decided to host the exchange program,” he explained.

Silence fell and he plunged on, “Now, more than ever, we need to legitimize Exotic Rescue. We need to fit in with the humans. You know, like ‘Hey, nothing to see here, we’re just your regular ole’ animal sanctuary’ – at least as regular as that can be. Think about it. We allow some outsiders to come and mix among us, participate in the normal niceties expected of an animal sanctuary like ours, but we keep them away from our secrets. Let ‘em study a few tigers or whatever they get out of these exchanges. Their presence will help convince the townsfolk that we have nothing to hide. We have to blend in.”

They all nodded as they considered his words. There was a reason he was their leader – beyond the fact that he had founded the place.

“That’s not a completely bad idea, I suppose,” Justin mused aloud.

“Yes, as long as one of your researchers doesn’t ferret out the truth about us while they’re poking and prodding around,” Connor grumbled.

Theodore sighed, looking at the man who was the oldest of them and, by far, the grumpiest. “What would you rather have us do then?”

“Lay low? Wait for this to blow over? Move around town like always and mix with the folks?” Connor suggested hopefully.

Theodore chuckled outright at that one, “First of all, Connor, you don’t mix well with the townsfolk, or with anyone, for that matter. Besides, we have refused too many invitations from other rescues for work