Dachshund Through the Snow - Roxanne St. Claire Page 0,2

get to the counter, but the tiny woman stepped to the side and put a finger up. “Lass, I know you better than yer own mirror. What’s gotcha, my child?”

Pru opened her mouth to say something, then shut it, closing her eyes and shaking her head. “I don’t want to talk about it. I want to bake with my two favorite grannies in the whole world. That’s what’s fun. That’s what’s…cool.” Her voice almost cracked, but she recovered with a huge grin. “Teach me everything you know, Yiayia.”

Agnes’s old heart shifted. “I think you’ve got some Greek in you, koukla.”

“Aww, that’s what you call Cassie,” she said, referring to Agnes’s one and only granddaughter.

“But we can’t bake,” Agnes said. “Not for a while.”

“’Tis true,” Finnie added. “We have a very important errand to run. We’re off to the home of Rad Shepherd.”

“Rad?” Pru choked a laugh. “Like, his name is Radical? That’s pretty dumb.”

Agnes shot an I told you so look to Finnie.

“And why are we going there?” Pru asked.

“Because he has my Christmas present,” Agnes told her, feeling the smile pull at her face. “The very thing I’ve been waiting for and wanting for such a long time.”

“That third dachshund you keep talking about?” Pru guessed.

“That’s it,” Agnes confirmed, pleased that the young girl knew her that well. “The dachshund of my dreams.” Literally.

“Come on, you two,” Finnie said, turning to the coat-tree to get her jacket. “Leash the dogs, and let’s go.”

“Uh…how are we getting there?” Pru asked. “Yiayia’s Buick is in the shop getting new brakes, remember? My overprotective father won’t let me get a learner’s permit until spring. And, Gramma, you are not driving on Christmas Eve again. Remember last year?”

She paled a little. “Aye. ’Twas a misadventure in the snowy mountains we dare not repeat. So, we’re going to walk.”

“Walk?” Agnes’s and Pru’s responses came out in perfect unison. And, of course, the dogs ran in circles at the word walk.

“’Tis a short stroll on a fine Christmas Eve day,” Finnie said, looking at her phone. “I have our good Shepherd’s address right here. We can walk directly through the square and see all the festivities about. We’ll be back here in no time, with a new dachshund and a full day of baking—and barking—ahead of us.”

“It’s awfully chilly to walk,” Agnes said, putting a hand over the heart she was never sure would make it to the next hour, let alone the next day.

“And do we have to go through the square?” Pru asked. “I’ve had just about enough of that place today.”

Finnie turned from the door, looking from one to the other. “Agnes,” she said. “Yer ticker will benefit from a wee bit of exercise. Use it or lose it. And, Prudence, my darlin’, whatever drama is unfolding with the high school lassies, yer best to face it head-on.”

Pru’s jaw loosened, and she looked at Agnes. “How does she do that? How does she know?”

“She’s a canny one,” Agnes agreed.

“I know the people I love, ’tis all.” Finnie fussed at her feathery white hair with a bit of pride in her blue eyes. “Now, let’s get a move on it, ladies. Oh, and, Agnes, tell Pru who’s going to play Santa Claus tonight at the festival.”

“Please, I almost forgot my punishment. Ho ho, oh no.”

“You are?” Pru almost choked with a bubbling laugh. “Where’s George Snodgrass?”

“New York, the old bas…”


“Bas…bass fisherman,” she quickly corrected with a wink to Pru. “He’s gone off to see his family, like it’s Christmas or something.”

Pru laughed and held up a hand for a high five. “You’ll be a great Santa. Now let’s go get…what’s the new dog’s name?”

“Rover,” Finnie said before Agnes could open her mouth.

“Rover?” Pru threw a lock back of long black hair in disbelief. “Someone actually named a dog Rover?”

“I knew I liked this girl.” Agnes slipped into her coat and found her handbag, checking to see if her wallet was there, because she’d pay whatever Radical wanted. “Whatever we call him…” And it will be Charis. “He’ll be a Christmas miracle for me.”

They stepped out into the brisk North Carolina day, locking arms to walk over last night’s dusting of snow, with Pyggie and Gala prancing on leashes in the lead. Well, Pyggie was waddling in the lead, but they’d get there eventually, and then they’d bring home the dachshund that would save Agnes’s life.

Chapter Two

Pru tried to listen to the two grannies chatter as they walked down Dogwood Lane toward the heart